War profiteer? No, she may have instigated the war, but there was always going to be a war, eventually. If it wasn’t her, it would have been Greymane. Or Jaina.
Her only mistake in the whole Teldrassil thing was not finishing Malfurion herself, and instead trusting Saurfang to do it. At Lordaeron, she had the battle won, until Jaina showed up with her flying boat. Even then, without Jaina to teleport the Alliance leaders away, she would have killed off the alliance leadership in one fell swoop when her contingency plan was put in place.
Sylvanas almost won because the Alliance were written to be dumb stupid fools who had no sense of thinking about tactics when invading someone’s territory.
That was balanced by Jaina randomly showing up because “HEY COOL CINEMATIC SHINNNY MOMENT”.
I want to say it’s one of those things that was going to be fleshed out more, but with the negative reception BfA received they’re probably bailing on it to rush to 9.0
Same for N’zoth’s gift, which I thought would pan out to be something cool, maybe an event where people with the gift would infiltrate cities and cause chaos, but no, it just prevents head transmogs while in use
But we already run around killing X amount of the enemy because someone told us to. So it wouldn’t be fair for the Loyalist to get the title because of Sylvanas.
I feel Blizzard should’ve immediately applied the reward to those who made their first choice, so they couldn’t just hop on a second account and do it again.
Maybe for Saurfang loyalists they could get, “Horde’s Honor”.
Sylvanas Loyalists could get something like, “Hope’s End”.