I think I read something about Loyalist armor in 8.3. Maybe it’s just greens for transmog or something, but I think that’s a pretty decent reward.
Again, though, not stepping in line with the Alliance puppets is reward enough.
Edit: d’oh, Nemestrïnus beat me to it.
I mean there is a datamined loyalist xmog
maybe we get that?
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It’s in the game files but there’s suspicion that it might be just that disguise loyalists use to sabotage the revolution’s stuff.
Like the datamined pirate costumes.
“Death’s servant”? More like “meat shield”
You should be happy you people were given a “choice”. You should be bending knee and thanking Blizzard with tears of joy that you were allowed to choose whether you wanted your Horde to be Sylvanas ish or Saurfang.
Ooh, what if the loyalists get to be the start of the rumored third faction, and have special transmogs for it?
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The more I observe Undead Males. The more I’m reminded of anime pinup posters and body pillows.
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Everybody is allowed to want things.
I want playable centaur and Man’ari and Harpies and Vrykul and Naga and Qiraji Battleguards.
Doesn’t mean I’ll get it. But I can want it.
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Of course you’re allowed to want things.
This “want” arose because Blizzard decided to give you a extra feature never seen in this game before. So you may want to be grateful before wanting anything.
There should have been no choice. Follow the Warchief, slaughter the traitors, and give all to Death’s cold embrace.
Sylvanas loyalists should indeed get a reward.
Either a quick drop and a sudden stop or maybe a slight kick and a sudden chop.
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I’m guessing most Horde players wouldn’t have liked that.
That is because they’re weak, stuck in a worldview of honor and glory, while Sylvanas is a modern general, who knows that the point of war is to eliminate the enemy.
As a tank, I would love to have the “meat shield” title.
It’d be appropriate.
Sylvanas is a war profiteer, who creates the enemy so there will be war.
I wouldn’t overestimate Sylvanas in terms of intelligence. She’s as good as your local first grader trying to learn the Alphabet.
I only have a body pillow for N’zoth.
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You get to grovel and kowtow while she hangs out in the Ghostlands with her boytoy Nathanos. You get NOTHING, sir, good day! 
You’ll poke your eye out, kid 
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