Beginning of the end

I wasn’t trying to imply that - I just wouldn’t beat up on yourself by saying “I deserved that”.

Oh, okay. Sorry for the misunderstanding than, and I don’t want you guys to think I’m going back on my word or anything here, I do empathize with a lot of what you guys say.

I just find some fans to be a little over the top is all, you know? :wolf:

Undead orgy!


Stop promising us a good time :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wolf:

Her book is coming out in February, there’s no way she’s ending here.

She will die after getting a “redemption” where she never actually admits to doing anything wrong, but it turns out she was right the whole time and you (the player) were too big a dumdum to recognize her for her greatness.

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wrong /10char

Looks like the maintenance got extended by two hours, too.

I don’t anticipate it will be very long after that people start to clear the raid.

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I’ve said this before, but I doubt she’ll die here. I’m convinced her fate will be to usurp the Jailer and then try to kill the Arbiter at the end of the expansion. We’ll stop her, and lock her away into the Maw as the new Jailer. She’ll be written off the board, but not killed, safe from death but locked in a realm of her own design, and that will be that.

The writing team goes for the option that will cause the most debate amongst the playerbase because they believe strong reactions=good writing. This option will allow players to debate about Sylvanas being good or bad for the next ten years.

I’m calling it now, again.


I’ll be pleasantly suprised if sylvanas does die in the raid. I suspect they’re keeping her alive for whatever patch the Jailer raid is in, where she’ll make her big noble sacrifice or something :wolf: :face_vomiting:

She’ll make a sacrifice but only for further gain, and will be the real final boss of the expansion. The writers love doing this, they literally did so a little over two years ago with Illidan, though not to this extent.

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Her dying with no story relevant characters involved, an unclear motive, loose threads left all over the place, etc.

It would be weird but Blizzard has done just as bad so I’m not discounting it from happening.

I suppose we’ll find out sometime today or tomorrow if any story relevant characters are in the cinematic, far as I know, nobody really knows what the actual cinematic contains. Usually we know some tidbits by now. :wolf:

I have to admit I’m at least morbidly curious if they’ll address the whole “why the hell is she (willingly?) working for Arthas’s boss?” but ultimately I know it won’t really matter what the reason is, if one is even offered. No matter what the post-raid cutscene is, it still comes back around to the fact that apparently BFA was done to set up this plot. In that light, I don’t feel anything could ever be immersively satisfying.

Hopefully the player memes about it will be fun.


I expect erevien to empty his bank to blizzard for sub fees and sylvanas merch.

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I am really not so sure about that. You remember what they said about Teldrassil and the war of thorns?

They are so out of touch I’m even more concerned after this. If you are right, I’m fine with that. I think. Hard to say.

Edit: Saw now your thoughts on that and yeah, I have to agree with you.

I feel a similar way. I’m not fully indifferent. I think it’s bad for Sylvanas fans what they did to her. I’m frustrated one could say I guess. Overall though I have given up on the story and I try not to care. Sometimes it works better than other times.

The thing about this is they are going forth and back between two very drastic different concepts and it’s just jarring for players. If you could at least chose one and it would stay that way… oh well.



got extended by 1h 30 min again i think

I will probably go to bed in 30-60 min .