Beginning of the end

Within the next 24 hours, everyone will be at each other’s throats as the raid conclusion will be seen by all.

Last time to throw your guesses in, boys/gals and others.

Death? Redemption? Escape with Jailer? How about Anduin?


She’s either going to escape to snark another day, get put on ice so she can eventually escape and kick off WoD 2.0, or pull some deliciously ham-fisted maneuver that makes her one of the “good guys”** so she can fight the Jailer. I’ve seen nothing that would indicate they’re getting ready to kill her off.

Regardless of outcome, know this: in every forum, not simply this one…



Death to the Scourge! And death to the living!
2 cents


I can usually predict at least to some degree where the story will go. But I have no idea what the Jailer/Arbiter stuff is leading to and unless there is a last-minute callback to some old lore it seems like 9.2 is going to be dealing with something completely new. My wild guess would be that the Eternal Ones are evil and the Jailer is actually the good guy, but that seems unlikely.

I won’t bother making predictions about Sylvanas’s fate, I’m more curious whether the people who were so certain she was going to be killed off as recently as a week ago still feel that way on the eve of it. I know they want her dead, but do they truly still believe that will be the outcome?

That’s true. Tomorrow is going to make the community’s reaction to the Sylvanas Warbringer look like a trip to the candy store.

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I will guess that Sylvanas’s defeat will be paired with her learning that the Jailer really isn’t on her side. It may or may not involve her “good side”, but her defeat will mark a turning point where she now is on our side and helping us to free Anduin from the Jailer’s grasp and stop whatever his nefarious plan (which she had wrong) was. A token character will be elevated (probably Genn) to not give up on vengeance against Sylvanas. Calia and/or Delaryn will appear to lecture/kill whoever this character is and make sure that everyone is on side for the final struggle to save Anduin.


I’ll bet on both. We will kill Sylvanas body, but her soul will understood that she was wrong, and will work to get Redemption.

It’s just boys/gals.

I don’t expect anything satisfying, that’s for sure. After BfA, I sort of learned to think of the least satisfying, but super obvious-because-it’s-lazy direction and assume it will be that.

Which is Sylvanas "ENOUGH"ing and leaving to be snarky.

The craziest theory I can think of though would be Sylvanas’ “good half” of her soul coming and doing something and merging with her or whatever.


If Sylvanas dies, it won’t be in any appreciable way: all of her valkyr are returned to her, even if she didn’t have the forsworn. Sylvanas is going to remove the need for the Arbiter or replace her entirely by expansion’s end, breaking the ‘fascism’ imposed on mortal souls. She’ll be the supreme goddess of death and the forsaken will keep their ‘for the dark lady’ quotes and the shattered mask symbology.


Horde Warchief starts war with Alliance, honorable Horde members turn against them and join forces with Alliance; Warchief flees to another dimension and we follow, encountering old dead characters from previous games.

Shadowlands is already WoD 2.0.

Like the ending of The Neverending Story 2 Anduin will use the last of his magic to say ‘I wish you had a heart’ to Sylvanas, curing her sociopathy and making her feel regret so that she undoes all of her evil.


I genuinely can’t remember what happened in Neverending Story 2, because I loved the book and hated all the movie adaptations of it.

…But that sound dumb enough and different enough from the book to be what happened.

She’s just going to escape, and say, once again, “next time we meet I’ll reveal our true plan, for real this time!”

For real, though, the only thing I even care about is some kind of resolution and justification for the “why is she doing any of this” plot. I don’t even care if she’s elevated to godhood or something, I just need to know what the plan was for “remaking” death. What is the Jailer’s plan, such that she thinks all the torture and killing will be worth it?

I just need to know why, man. I don’t care about anything else that happens to her. What was the plan? Why is the Jailer’s remade Death enticing?

I’m calling it now, whatever the outcome, this is NOT the last we’ve seen of Sylvanas Windrunner. Even if we kill her, she’ll either have her soul taken by the Jailer or we’ll just destroy her body as her soul goes into hiding. Blizzard likes her too much to get rid of her at this point. I don’t know which it will be, but Sylvanas’ story does not end with this raid.

As for the Jailer, I think he’ll get what he wants from the Arbiter and go on his merry way, though this isn’t his final victory.

As for Anduin, I don’t think we’ll free him yet. He won’t die, but he won’t be freed at the end of this raid.


I am about 99% positive that Anduin will not be saved. He will be the carrot for people who care about him to continue playing the next chapter to see what happens. He will not be freed until the Jailer is defeated.

…although Blizzard assumes there are any Anduin fans left. Most of us who liked him have kind of hated what he’s become in BfA and Shadowlands and then turning him into a discount Arthas with no build up or agency, because of the mind control, is just awful. So I don’t think that gamble will pay off.

Sylvanas is a mixed bag. The story is so stupid at this point that I am actually pretty unsure what they will do with her. However there is no way that she will die. At the absolute worst they will stow her away for a future patch/expansion when subs are low enough that they are pulling out all the nostalgia cards.

They couldn’t even kill off Illidan despite the end of Legion being essentially the completion of his literal entire character arc from Warcraft 3. Sylvanas isn’t going anywhere, she’s too good of advertising material.

Part of me thinks the Jailer will abandon her at the end of the raid after he makes it out of the Shadowlands and she does an Illidan-esque ‘face heel turn’ and reopen the way for us to get home and help us to stop him. Essentially doing to her what he did to Denathrius, just abandoning her after he accomplished what he wanted to do with her.

He will snatch the orb out of the Arbiter’s chest, likely turn into his concept art model, and then deliver a boring monologue, that nobody cares about because he’s the most uninteresting villain that this franchise has ever had, for a second before leaving.

And then Sylvanas will be like, “Whelp crap, I guess I’ll help stop him.” And because this is how things go in this game now, ever since “Draenor is Free,” the other characters will just be okay with it.

Then again Danuser is an absolutely terrible writer so I wouldn’t be surprised if she got a full blown 100% redemption with this soul splitting crap.

A friend of mine has thrown out a totally nutso theory because of how dumb the story is now and it’s essentially “Good” Sylvanas will show up after the Jailer leaves and kills the evil Sylvanas, and it’s revealed that Nathanos went to the Shadowlands and ended up finding her. It’s so asininely bad that I kind of want it to happen.


I feel like being here to witness it should award some kind of legacy achievement, similar to Stood in the Fire.


Just in case I’m wrong and this is the end of Sylvanas, I’ve got this clip ready to spam;

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead - YouTube

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I honestly don’t know. It feels like Blizzard has set things up for her to die, or at least for the players to want her to die. Perhaps they will snub us on that, but I honestly don’t see a reason for that.

I actually think she has a pretty high chance of dying, or atleast be crippled in her defeat. After the Tyrande cinematic, it feels like they have left it up to the players to give Sylvanas what she deserves, since Tyrande could not. It seems utterly idiotic to snub players on the one bit of satisfaction that they are gonna get in this patch. And they know, they know very well, how people feel about Sylvanas after what they did with her in bfa. Or perhaps they don’t. Hard to tell if the writers have any awareness nowdays.

Tyrande will disappear and not show up again for the remainer of this patch.

Sylvanas will rebel against the Jailor by screwing him somehow, her final line will be nothing lasts even to an eternal to be extra edgy.

This will usher in the Kerrigan Sylvanas Redemption Arc.


I almost think Blizzard will surprise us all by having a big moon land on Sylvanas that obliterates her soul. Or Rezan pops out somehow, and the big Golden T Rex snaps her in half with his jaws and tears her apart like a dog with some old slippers.

But then I think… why? Who will it please and what will Blizz gain? The Hordes of Sylvanas fans like her and want more of her, always. So keeping her around in some capacity has a benefit. What benefit would ending her have?

The fans who hate her and want her dead the most will likely never be pleased. They will step over her body without pausing for a breath, and look for the next Character to scream about. Why end her for those ingrates? Keeping her around actually pleases people - her fans. While her death will not slake the blood lust of those who want her dead most - in the lore and among the fanbase.

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It doesn’t matter.