Beginning of the end

Nelf qwhining aside…it’d be reeeally messed up if they redeem her after pulling a triple 9/11…not that that has stopped them before.


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“It’s messed up, but we refuse to give credit to the people who have been calling this out as an issue.”

Sometimes you people are just absolute cartoon characters.

Again…my issue is that you make 20 posts a day complaining about it…that’s obsessive

I’m hopeful as well. Honestly, as long as they don’t pull a “Draenor is Free” and have everyone forgive Sylvanas, I’ll probably be fine with the outcome. I’m trying to downplay my expectations just in case we’ve been building this up way too much in our heads. But I have no idea what they’ll do with this expansion going forward, so it should be interesting.

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I post at about the same frequency as any other regular, but I don’t see you going after any of them.

You was plural there

As in you NEFPA

I was being comedic of course. But how much blame I’m willing to pin on the plague here sign waves quite a bit.

I haven’t forgotten the other gigantic content drought that lasted from 8.2 to 8.3, with 8.2.5 being just a cutscene and short questline. Then of course 8.3 wasn’t really ready to be fun yet until months after it was live. Because ‘making ish up as we go along’ also applies to core gameplay loops now.

And during the lockdown I leveled every class but Demon Hunter to 120. I’m basically done with the game. I’ve beat it. I’ve gotten every transmog item I wanted and made peace with the ones that wouldn’t drop after months.

Like I’ve nothing to do. And I don’t want to pay for a game that’s functionally beat. Not a lot of replay value to WoW.


Sometimes it’s good to take a breather from this space. I hope they are okay as well.

Cheers to all the discourse we’ve had and the upcoming discourse for the forseeable future :clinking_glasses:

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Me and who else then?

Same. And it makes me sad, somehow. After all that they did with her, all the frustrating and often idiotic twists and turns of the story, now that the moment is finally there I feel- nothing. No excitement at all, neither in a good or bad way. I don’t really care what happens. The only thing I expect is that I’m gonna roll my eyes real hard, but that’s kind of the norm by now where the story is concerned.


Um, the 20 of them from MG alone? And everyone else too. You’re one of the most vocal but there’s plenty others. Its why its a meme. If it was just You then it’d be your name as the meme, not the collection of them.

I mean, I saw your edit - you dragged out “NEFPA”, which was explained to me to mean “Night Elf Forum Posting Alt”, which is a specific reference to the level 10 EU posting alts - but has expanded to mean “any Night Elf character upset with anything for any reason”.

So I think you just mean “Night Elf fans”, to which, did it occur to you at any point that when an entire community is upset about the same suite of issues, that there MIGHT just be a larger issue deserving of attention?

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Isn’t the outcome obvious?

She either flies away and is forgiven later or she is forgiven immediately

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I think his point, and I may be off the mark here, some of NE fans do seem to have very unrealistic expectations. It’s kind of why you don’t see people attacking me or others when we talk about worgen stuff, it’s about compromising.

Some NE fans just want to utterly dominate the horde and just seem to look for anything to complain about. :wolf:


First of all you’re a lvl 40 alt…the term isn’t specific to lvl 10s.

You can be upset with the story and many are, nelf fans or not, including myself.

However, when its so obsessive that there’s a myriad threads by the same pple about how blizzard hates them…that is a nefpa.

Its irrational, obsessive, and better if you move on from the story if it causes you that much distress


I don’t know why you’re always going back to this point when there’s like no night elf fan that actually wants that.

If bringing Sylvanas to justice and getting some sort of resolution, victories or positive moments is too much, then that’s a problem with your mindeset, not the desires of the night elf players.

I’ve wanted Sylvanas head on a platter since Gilneas. And all I said was SOME fans want that :wolf:

I’m failing to see any. The overwhelming majority of Night Elf fans want a mix between bringing Sylvanas and war criminals to justice and some sort of resolution with their souls and zones.

I mean, they were denied everything, but that’s what people wanted atleast. Also, defeating the Horde in Ashenvale and getting an on screen victory is a totally valid demand. It’s their zone, they’re supposed to have the advantage, yet somehow a blood elf rogue can wipe out entire cities onscreen?


This is no alt - this is my main. I’m not actively playing on retail.

This is bad faith concern trolling. We want the game to be a better experience for us, and people generally. Stop standing in the way of that.

When you get utterly dominated repeatedly by the Horde by way of narrative fiat, you tend to want to hit back, yes.

So like how long before the raid opens?