Beginning of the end

California is practically a different planet in that regard.


hope shadowlands ends in this patch and they announce a new expa

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I am well aware. My neighbors are Californian escapees, fantastic people. They have made it quite clear how much they feel the difference is.

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I’ll up your bet to two million gold we’ll get a least another 500,000 threads from NE fans about why blizz hates them for eternity and why can’t the sentinels just dominate everything after someone posts the cinematic today.

Hope y’all got a big enough bucket, because there’s going to be a lot of pissed off people today :wolf:


Followed quickly by a flood of denialist statements that nothing is wrong even though such would likely happen following a vindication of Ethriel’s usual predictions?


Oh yeah, definitely. It’s gonna be a ish show for sure. I’m just here for the fireworks. No offense :wolf:

What happened to Ethel? Haven’t seen them in a while…

I don’t know, kind of worried to be honest. I hope she’s okay and she’s just busy irl :wolf:

I’m also worried about Droite, they been super quiet lately too.

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Eh, maybe it would be good to keep away from here for a while, in that case.

I get that this is a middle patch, but I’d read that Danuser predicts that this one is really going to stir the hornet’s nest. Is that really what they want to be doing right now?

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Sadly it seems to be their intent. I’m just hoping for the best but preparing for the worst you know? I’m going to reserving my reaction until I can actually watch the cinematic a few times to decide if I like it or not.

I’ll try my best to look at it from both sides before making my opinions known :wolf:

Given how things are going for them, they might just be happy to have people talking about their game again. People going nuclear seems to be the best exposure they can manage at this point.


It’s a weird tactic to use, but it seems to be working for them, for whatever reason.

Not if that exposure makes people think poorly of them. Everytime something goes nuclear, there’s fallout to handle.

I’m actually surprised I can still post. My sub ran out four hours ago. Perhaps it will even last until tommorow.

One thing I am certain of, is that just like the other shadowlands cinematics, I won’t like this one. Didn’t like the Bolvar vs Sylvanas, didn’t like Tyrande vs Sylvanas. And almost certainly, I won’t like this one. But I hope i’m wrong

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The forum’s a bit buggy and/or slow to catch on. Eventually, you’ll auto-logout when you make a post (it may have even been this one) and that’s when the forum finally cuts you off.

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I didn’t mean to imply that it was good - just that it’s the best that they can manage. I can’t seem to recall a generally well-received development for… well, quite a while, but in recent weeks they’ve been faced with the actual consequence to their string of poorly-received content: people talking about competitors’ games rather than their own.

From their viewpoint, they’d probably rather get people mad and deal with the fallout than be ignored completely.


Figures. Guess i’m on borrowed time then.

Then i’ll take the opportunity to say it’s been nice speaking with most of you. Who knows, it might happen again in the future.


I disagree that it’s working for them.


Personally, I’d rather they kill Sylvanas at this point, though I don’t think that will actually happen. What’s more likely in my mind is that somehow she’ll turn on the Jailer, or at least give us the key to saving Anduin, then she’ll disappear for the rest of the expansion. If that happens, we’ll probably see her again in the final expansion cinematic (assuming we actually get one this time) to wrap up her story. Regardless of what happens, I can’t reasonably think of a way Sylvanas will have a role in future expansions, so one way or another, I think this is the end for her.

But if they do kill her, I want her to be unrepentant and go out fighting like they did with Garrosh. Tyrande would have to have a role in it. It would be nice if Genn was there too, but I doubt they’ll bring him out for this.


That would definitely be the best option for everyone, but if my boy Genn was involved, that would be icing on the cake for me. But we’ll see, the optimist in me hopes we’ll be suprised in a good way. :wolf:


Long as Anduin is thrown into the void. Or whatever happens next.

Sylvanas… don’t care. I stopped caring. she’s gonna live and phase off, or die. Either way; its just a headache and stress thinking about what lengths they’ll go with her.

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