Beginning of the end

Nah, even without alive Sylvanas there is more than enough material to explore to keep the VA busy for a long time.

gl hf

She’ll escape and we won’t here from her for a while.

Or it’s the start of a new beggining. Either way I’m glad to put this plot behind us and move on.

I don’t know whether Patty wants to keep doing VA work or retire. I have nothing against Patty and for all my many problems with Sylvanas, they have nothing to do with her voice acting or voice actor.

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That’s clear. No one should assume otherwise.

Though I’m not sure if it would be a good thing to use Slvanas voice for other charters. Even though it’s rather normal.

I don’t know Patty’s voice range, maybe she could end up using a different voice for the characters if she stays on.

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I wish I could believe you were wrong about this, but rule of cool always wins out.


I think they have written themselves in a corner and nothing they do will be truly satisfying to anyone. It’s also hard to make an educated prediction considering how internal consistency has been declining.

My best guess would be that she succeeds in delaying us to allow the Jailer’s immediate plan to succeed but is “defeated” in the process. The Jailer will then toss her aside saying she was always expendable or something like that. Then it’s time for some sort of redemption arc where she helps us against him somehow (probably using a handwavy split soul explanation).


My hope for the 10.0 prepatch:

And then we continue as if WoD onward never happened.


Danuser tweeted yesterday and made euphamisms that the new cinematic would disturb the hornets nest. I interpret that as being good for Sylvanas and her fans.

Any development of her character in a positive way seems to provoke the hive.

Or it’ll piss off the fans of sylvanas. It could really mean anything, but I suppose we’ll find out in a few hours once the raid goes live and some guild beats normal super fast or the cinematic gets datamined early :wolf:


In my experience, if the last 4 years of this fandom haven’t already driven Sylvanas fans away, a negative outcome for her won’t even make a ripple. Her fans are over it, if it’s bad they will all just cut the cord and move on, myself included.


Sylvanas is weird for me because I still do like the character, I also hate what blizz has done with her. She was easily one of the best morally grey characters we had. Until she was ruined by BfA.

Props to Patty though, she’s simply a goddess and I love her voice acting :wolf:


The Jailer installs Sylvanas as the new Arbiter, deciding the fate of every soul entering the Shadowlands. Or else empowers her to become one of the First Ones. Or she somehow reveals that everything the covenants have been doing has been furthering her plans.

Whatever it is, I’m already bracing for it to be beyond Kerrigan levels of awful.


Mainly I just feel indifferent. This torturous plotline has been dragged out for years now. And Sylvanas has been more of a plot device than a character.

Oh she’s this calculating and cold evil mastermind. Until she completely undermines her own schemes over a pointless grudge match with an insubordinate lieutenant and ruins everything with a literal tantrum.

Oh even Nathanos is regarded with icey apathy for it seems in the end her plans with the Jailor are all that matters to her. Oh wait nevermind she’s actually really torn up about Natty Blight getting a permanent hair cut and seems really distraught the Jailor kept this from her.

I just don’t care anymore. They’re so clearly making this up as they go along with zero care for previous plot threads, even if those threads tie in directly with the current narrative and happened in the previous chapter.

At this point I’m beginning to suspect the content droughts are so we forget what Sylvanas was like in this or that patch. Because if this all played out start to finish in one sitting it would be the most incoherent movie ever made.


Im pretty positive it’s just the global pandemic and mass Blizzard lay offs that contibuted in the content drought. Ion and Steve seem pretty invested in wherever they are going. They may be the only two lol.


Pandemic is over, and they never laid off devs, just customer support and such.

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Where do you live where the pandemic is over?

It’s not over where I live.

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I bet 1 million gold that we will see threads night elves complaining

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You misunderstand, it isn’t that the VARRUS is no longer in circulation, it is simply no longer a pandemic. I’m in Missouri, btw.