Beginning of the end

Thrall or Jaina: “You can’t escape this time, Banshee Queen!”

Sylvanas: “Can’t I?”

Sylvanas: “CHAOS CONTROL!”

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HEY, I LOVE Warlords of Draenor, it is just such a shame that they cut so much and abandoned its development for Legion. Could have been the best Expac yet, and there is still much to love about it. People comparing SL to WoD is ridiculous, as they are simply making comparisons about content droughts and a bad guy character not getting their comeuppance. VERY different expansions.

Among my favorite childhood movies, and the Child-Like Empress was among my first crushes. Ah, the memories. We don’t talk about 2+.

My expectations are at ROCK BOTTOM levels. Whatever happens, I plan to not be invested enough to be affected. If they give a pleasant surprise(HA!) then yay.

I hate Sylvanas, and when she’s dead I’ll rest. And watch the sun rise over a gratefully less edgy setting.

Besides, the ingrates label could be slapped on Sylvanas fans’ attitudes towards characters that hate Sylvanas. They will step over the body of her latest opponent without pausing for a breath, and look for the next character who isn’t kissing Sylvanas’ necrotized butt to scream about. Why keep her around for those malcontents? Sylvanas’ existence will not slake the blood lust of those fans who can’t rest knowing someone who doesn’t like her exists in the setting.


Delusional. Anduin is their golden boy. Especialy for Golden. Of course he will be saved. No question about it.

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Not this patch I think. Remember, he just got mindcontrolled lorewise, even though we’ve know since january or so that he was. I think we’ll save him in 9.2 or so.


The true tragedy of losing Sylvanas will be the loss of Patty Mattson’s wonderful VA work :frowning:


Oh for this patch? Well yes that’s fair for sure. I think you are right with that. I guess it will take longer, perhaps even leading in to a new expansion.

Fair point. Patty Mattson might be kept around to voice other characters, she does a good job.


I don’t think so. They will want to wrap up this death nonsense before then, so either he dies, or he is freed before the end of the expansion. And he is not dying this expac, that is for sure.

I’m betting 9.2, and then he’ll help us take down the Jailer in 9.3.

Yeah it would end an eara. Sort of. Party Mattson’s delivery is great.

This. Or does she want to retire?

I would bet on that too for now. I meant more with the end, or near it of SL.

I am curious if this will have any lasring efect on him.

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I’m sure the writers will think so. Whether they mange to convey that is a different question entirely.


Well of course that’s a different question though. I am with you in that. Sometimes they are struggeling with such things. I guess we will see.



My guess would be the same as usual:

  • “rule of cool” dominating all the rest, to detriment of common sense and lore
  • no conclusion to anything, since I haven’t seen modern team nailing properly a single finale. Illidan’s stuff is not completely bad but had quite a few odd moments that made it seem weaker
  • just “look! New mystery” instead of answers

In the end: not much point to be disappointed in a mediocre story told by incapable narrators. It’s sad to see many people having their bastion of good memories and of help to get through daily struggles ravaged by idiotic decisions, but that’s what we have.

Take care of each other and don’t go after persons. Maybe throw a couple :poop: at the narrative team for good measure, but without fanatism. :dollar: is the only language corporations understand. So, people leaving and spreading knowledge about blizz treatment of their customers and use of misleading marketing might do something good for the future of WoW.

gl hf


My prediction: The Jailer will leave Sylvanas behind while he escapes with Anduin. Sylvanas will be angry and surprised by this before she’s killed by Jaina or Thrall, possibly Tyrande if she suddenly shows up. The good half of her soul will go into her body, bringing her back to life and curing her of her undeath. She’s our lead to wherever it is the Jailer went. She knows where Anduin’s compass is which will explain the zone we go to for 9.2.

I fully expect her to live unfortunately.

Sylvanas’ health goes to 0, she begins cackling saying, “You’ve won NOTHING!” As she disintegrates into purple mist, the floor begins to crack, falling out from under the players. They fall into the abyss, and the whole screen turns black.

Then, slowly, they hear the creaking of cart wheels. The picture slowly fades in, and they hear a line of dialogue…

“Hey, you’re finally awake.”


i hope sylvanas dies pls god

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The path to redemption opens.

And than slams shut in her face at the last second :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wolf:

But truthfully, she’s probably going to survive and lead the fight against the Jailer in 9.2