TL:DR: While attempting the “Been Waiting a Long Time for This” achievement solo with a BM Hunter, The necrotic plague disappears after killing the first Ghoul I spread it to, instead of stacking.
Hello, I have been trying to complete the “Been Waiting a Long Time for This” achievement for some time now. (on 25 man Hardcore)
I have read multiple guides and comments on WoWhead and also watched YouTube tutorials.
I’m Soloing as a BM hunter btw.
So I keep failing because the necrotic plague DOES NOT continue to pass on to the other ghouls.
I get the first stack and I pass it to the first ghoul (the debuff shows two stacks at this point), The ghoul dies then nothing. necrotic plague disappears.
I’m not sure what I’m Doing wrong.
These are the Guides I read and watched:
If anyone had this issue and knows how to overcome it please help.
I just want my Death Knight to have an Undead Dragon mount.
I was having the same issue on 10 player too. Two weeks ago it wasn’t bugged and the Necrotic Plague was working just as fine so i could get the 25 version achiev.
But i suggest posting this on a bug report or customer support forum session.
Pretty sure it’s bugged, it was supposed to jump to the next ghoul after killing the previous one. I got the 25 one just as fine two weeks ago, went for the 10 yesterday and it wasn’t working as it was supposed to.
i remember doing this a few years back with another player we struggled with it for a bit but in the end it was us and not bugged im going to say the same here as we had to tank mobs for ages but we also were DK’s at lvl cap and you are a hunter
If the ghoul got killed by something other than Necrotic Plague, there’s a chance that it will not spread. So don’t rush it. Dismiss your pet and wait for 20+ ghouls to show up. Only re-summon the pet and make LK cast Necrotic Plague when there are safely lots of adds to spread the plague around.
I am having the same issue. Played on multiple char’s with pets etc. Followed all the guides. Whenever the plague jumps from you to a ghoul, the stack never goes above 2 and disappears immediately. This seems to be a bug from what I can tell.
Hopefully they can get it fixed if that’s the case.
Tried this now 5 times today, on my druid, use force of nature so he will cast it. It lands on me and then spreads to a ghoul. Then that ghoul dies, from what, I do not know as I am not attacking or anything, just standing there taking hits, and it goes away. My last attempt before searching this issue, I was able to tab target to the ghoul, necrotic plague had, at least another few seconds to go and the ghoul died and it vanished.
I’ve posted this a few times in other threads, this is how you do it while It’s 100% bugged the debuff will jump to a ghoul and expire and not jump again.
Solution: did it the other day, use 3 people 1 tanks the LK without dropping his HP to 70 and avoiding black circles while 2 players stand next to each other on the other side of the arena. They then bounce the debuff between each other 30 times the debuff will stack correctly on players. Do not cleanse it it will fail to jump. Then voila you have achieve once Lk is dead. if you pull threat kill adds before they get to you or debuff may jump to them.
I finally got this recently too. My solution was similar although I did it with 2 players. One was a pet class (DK) whose pet tanked LK way off to the side, and the other was a druid (DPS spec for faster LK kill at the end) to toss occasional heals on the pet and players to help deal with Infest.
The players moved together around the central circle to avoid the Shadow Traps and killed all mobs as they came close, so the stacks wouldn’t jump to them and reset.
Then kill LK once the achievement is met. Both players moved to stand on the staircase leading up to the throne for that because if LK gets off a Remorseless Winter it’s still possible to get knocked off the platform otherwise.
I recently got this achieve in 10 man by having myself and another player.
Basically wait til one of you gets the plague then push Lich King, kill the ghouls, then just sit back and let the plague hop between you two while Lich King floats in the air, helplessly. Once you got the 30, deliver the killing blow.
I just wanted to post this and let everyone know how to do it, after spending literal hours searching for a solution on how to solo it, its not doable. At least it wasnt for me. Im a fire mage.
I got the achievement today (November 2019)
It was very simple. I made a group in the “extra option” looking for group category
And myself, another mage, and a warrior went and tried it.
We did it on 25 man normal,
We literally stacked up on ourselves infront of his chair and waited (and it was working) till the Plague stacked to over 30 (the last reading we saw before we downed him was 35 stacks)
It was as simple as that.
I made a video explaining how I was able to do this to workaround all of the bugs. Here is the video and an explanation:
It seems as of patch 8.2 the achievement is glitched - the necrotic plague is not spreading and stacking to the mobs. I confirmed the achievement has a glitch with a game master. However, it is still possible to complete the achievement with 2 players. You can watch a walk-through video on how to do this:
2 players needed for achievement - one of you will need to be a hunter or death knight (need a pet to tank)
Start the encounter with the lich king
Have the hunter (pet owner) engage the lich king (drawing aggro) and then immediately go “passive” and have the pet stay away from the group. The lich king will stay with the pet.
The pet will be tanking the damage from the lich king and therefore won’t be infected by the necrotic plague
The 2 players will stand far way from the lich king and will spread the plague amongst themselves
Kill the mobs, as they spawn, before they get to you (so they don’t get infected and glitch the stacking)
The plague will stack between the players and combine with additional plague stacks that the lich king keeps casting
Once you reach 30 (or 31 stacks to be safe), kill the lich king to get the achivement!
Note: the issue with the stack having to reach exactly 30 seems to no longer be an issue - I was able to do it when the stacks combined past 31.
Listen to anyone on here struggling to get this one done take a deep breathe I GOT YOU. I just cracked the code. SO you need at least 2 people to do this. One person needs to have a pet. When the fight begins have the pet hold aggro at the end of the stairs you and your buddy will have to kite around the map dodging the attack that knocks you off and kills you. Make sure you guys stay AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO EACH OTHER like white on rice. You two will be the ones passing the stacks from one to the other. As ghouls come to you kill them immediately because if one of the ghouls gets your stacks they will disappear. 1. So have pet hold aggro by the stairs. 2. You and partner kite around map to dodge the attack that knocks you off. 3. Stay as close as possible to each other the whole time. 4. Kill ghouls immediately that come after y’all. If you do these steps correctly you will bounce the stacks between you and your partner until 30 then congrats kill Lich king and enjoy your mount !!! I tried all the other methods none of them worked. I literally had to figure this out after hours of trial and error. Listen to me and you will have your mount! Happy wow playing people
I figured this out on my paladin “pallyclouds” on bleeding hollow not this random alt I posted this article with lol forgot to change characters on thus website. If you find this helpful please let me know I would love to hear if it helped!!