Been inactive due to broken PC lost guild leadership, current leader won't give back

blizzard already has a system to prevent this from happening - you don’t make anyone you don’t trust an officer. Last I look only certain positions can get control.

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At least you have a clearer conscious. People act like robbing people has no psychological and spiritual damage. He’ll live with it.

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I’m kind of scratching my head at a broken PC for 11 months. Even when I was a broke collage kid I never went that long without fixing my stuff, even if it meant getting a cheap used laptop. Either way that guild belongs to whomever it was passed to and I can’t help but wonder if it got passed a few times. I had that happen to one of my alts where I was the only one logging on really and wound up with a guild.

Oh and if there are no officers it will punt the guild to whomever the first person to log on after it goes into abandonment mode.


Then the GM should have given the officers their contact information.

like the post says…my PC died and i had no way to log on…sheeeeeesh

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sometimes life sucks but that doesnt mean it should stop for 11 months for the rest of your guildees. that would be really messed up for them would it not? Or is it all about you?


The only thing you can do is wait for blizzard to respond, wait to see if they respond, or simply cut your loss and start over. With ensuring in the new guild leadership cannot be passed along to a random that’s simply going to use the guild as their personal bank account.

Yeah you have to think of the other guildmates that he so callously harmed by letting the guild leadership lapse. In fact, he should be fined at minimum another 10million gold for the 11 months of suffering he put them through.

A toast to the new guild master who is a great guy and has been donating his time to keeping the guild alive and healthy!

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When I first started playing WoW, I met 4 great friends which lead to us creating a guild. We were a friendly active guild that made everyone feel welcomed/included. It ended up falling apart because we invited one bad apple that was flirting with our gm. One day our gm had to take a break from the game. You can guess who she gave gm powers to.

That man had some sort of menacing idea that he was going to destroy our guild by kicking guildies left and right. He then took all of our raiders and created his own raiding guild.

Till this day I miss those members and hope they are doing well. Fyi that happened in Wrath, I haven’t found any guild as great as that, usually pretty clique.

Rule of thumb I recommend not putting full trust in ppl you meet online… Time and time again for my 10+ yrs playing… I have met untrustworthy ppl who start out friendly.

My bad, then.
I thought they ran a guild from the way it sounded.
Either way, nothing really to be done if the new GL isnt even responding.


Make a new guild, recruit all your old members, only give people you know and trust higher ranks.


Best thing you can do is take the advice of your guild tag and just “revive from the ashes”. Make a new guild and rebuild.

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How can you go 11 months without logging in due to “computer issues?”

I don’t believe it.


Yeah I’m in the same boat you are, I believe the OP story…as much as I believe taco bell won’t give me diarrhea.

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I love these threads.

People think stupidity will hold up in the court of law.

Stupidity isn’t a defence people.


Gone Op gone your Guild is Gone Away

Gone awaaay … :wave:

Blizzard did because you were MIA. It was your guild and your responsibility to know these things. It isn’t like the didn’t create blog articles about this, or have support articles. You can attempt to negotiate with the person who took leadership, but it is now their guild. You’re not getting it back.

They doesn’t need your permission, since they are the guild leader and they can do what they wish.

Well, of course it’s there guild.

So now you’re harassing them.

And I honestly don’t believe this.


It is a bad system, it also sad, that the person can’t be understanding to you and just give it back.

But I expect nothing less from a trash community :slight_smile:

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I don’t know some politicians use it effectively.