I have no answers or suggestions to the problem.
However i do want to state my disapproval of how many people here have the attitude of “you deserve this”.
Why does this community always have to be so mean-spirited?
I have no answers or suggestions to the problem.
However i do want to state my disapproval of how many people here have the attitude of “you deserve this”.
Why does this community always have to be so mean-spirited?
Sounds like he just took everything for himself and not to be shared among the guild members which was the whole reason why it was implemented.
Who are you mad at?
Who quits for a year, and throws a tantrum they are no longer GM?
Nope, we already took a step back from all that nonsense.
You are just trolling the thread at this point.
Sounds like you don’t really have a guild
How on earth do you come to that conclusion?
It stopped being your guild when you neglected it for 11 months. Someone had to step up and take over the leadership role to keep the guild going. Remember a guild is a collection of players working together towards a common goal. You stopped being part of that collection for nearly a year.
The system to claim leadership of a guild is in place for exactly this reason. So guilds don’t wither and die when their leadership neglects them.
Which scenario is worse: being eaten alive by some creature, or going without a working PC for 11 months in modern society?
Oh you are trolling, cool, I got time dude.
Just a heads up that this thread is not about me.
This whole discussion is moot. Refrain from abandoning your guild if you’d prefer to avoid having somebody claim it in your absence. Or remove everybody prior to taking an extreme break.
I’d wager that most cases that this happens is for greed
You’re confusing me.
Nothing about OP’s post suggests the current owner is a bad owner. That is your incorrect assumption.
I’m not. Nowadays we have discord so it’s not really a problem anymore. Unless you don’t use discord. Then idk what to tell you. Use discord.
Alright let’s ask. OP, was this a serious raiding guild/pvp guild with a roster or was this kind of a makeshift bank for your toons with a few people in it?
If it were they’d have passed lead to somebody.
And it’s on the GM to have those processes in place so things like this don’t happen.
This is a good point. Many good guilds went down the toilet because the leadership leaves and the community just can’t move forward. Blizz added a usurpation system precisely so communities can be preserved.
I still feel sympathy for the OP, having lost all his hard work and investments.
So the issue here is if a guild master is inactive for X amount of months, guild master is then handed off to someone else. When that person is in power, there’s nothing you can really do. The unfortunate aspect of this (and I’m not saying it’s right) is that the onus of the situation is on you because you took the break. And during that break, someone capitalized off of it.
In similar situations, Blizzard often places blame on the guild master because their actions allowed the situation to happen in the first place. The same thing could be said for something like an officer robbing the guild bank in the middle of the night or something like that.
Unfortunately, you might just have to cut your losses and move on.
It sucks, OP.
If my GL went AFK that long, I’d have assumed they werent coming back and either took leadership myself, or supported the next GL.
Nothing you can do to get your guild back and Blizz wont help.
What you CAN do?
Stay in the guild you worked hard for, keep working with your guild, make friends with the players that have joined during your hiatus, get back in touch with others, etc.
Or you could /gquit and start fresh with another guild (either a new one you made or another established one).
I think they are saying he made it a personal bank rather then a guild.
Yup, this is a problem for guilds to solve. It’s frankly, not Blizzard’s problem. It’s yet another “feature” added to reduce the number of tickets they get. That’s what this is.