Correct. The only way you can use it that way is if you make a guild and kick everyone else out besides your own alts.
If you’re planning on “running” a guild the normal way, you need to be prepared for contingencies like this. Either have someone there to take over if you happen to go offline, or make sure you’re not putting anything into the guild and/or GB that you aren’t prepared to lose (aka gold, mats, gear, etc.)
I’m not trolling. That’s the way the game is set up. You could donate millions of gold and tons of mats then the next day the GM could kick you out for the lols and there’s nothing you can do about it.
That’s the chance you take. The flip side is, GMs that leave the game for a while or forever also take a chance they get dethroned.
And as Mirasol pointed out, they have already changed the policy on dethroning three times. If I was in the OP’s position and I was the one that put the majority of the stuff in the guild bank, you bet your… butt I would have went to a friend’s house or whatever and kicked everyone out of the guild just to be safe.
You can’t.
You can be dethroned if you promote someone past rank 4 and are absent from the game long enough.
It’s not random and it is preventable.
Tons of people use it for that exact purpose. It’s free storage.
It isn’t your guild. It and everything else in the game belongs to Blizzard.
Would it be better if GMs said “hey, going away for abit, giving lead to so and so”? Yes, but sometimes that doesn’t happen, sometimes GMs just go poof
its not free, it costs a TON of gold and void storage is cheaper
Then you create a bank guild, many people do this.
And you don’t invite anyone to it.
I guess your gear is not your gear either so it’s ok if Blizzard delete’s it all at the end of each week right? Way to add nothing to the conversation.
absolutely nothing in WoW belongs to you, it belongs to Blizzard, they could delete your tunes and ban you with no explanation.
The guild bank is the guild master’s retirement fund anyway, that’s why I don’t participate in it. Net sum of gold remains the same whether in your own pocket or the guild bank. If people need something, give it to them directly instead of ‘the guild.’
For sake of convenience, sure fill it up with enchant/etc, but gold? no real point. It’s only to take gold out of it for repairs etc.
It isn’t your gear. You are literally only paying for access to the servers. Your appeals to emotion don’t change this fact.
Exactly. I wouldn’t give one copper to a guild bank.
Need feast? Sure I’ll bring them and lay 'em down. Need pots? Same thing.
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One thing I wish they would bring back is when you quest, the guild bank gets gold for free to handle repairs and guild purchases.
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Completely different things.
The whole point of allowing someone to take over leadership is when a GM is gone for a long period of time leaving the Guild rudderless. How would that be fair to the other Officers and Members.
We just use raffles to fund repairs, people buy tickets with gold, 1 winner gets 85%, 15% to the guild bank for repairs.
I did leave a guild over guild bank use, “we need to wait until more people donate stuff before we start using flasks/pots.” (Was some guild aspiring mythic/ce etc.) When it is “affordable” and I could provide it myself but guild master declined. Noped out of that place real fast. Especially after a 0.1% wipe.
Makes no sense not to use all available resources. Especially at no cost to them.
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They do. It’s called discord and every guild I know of uses it. You can access it easily on any PC or mobile. Plus I highly doubt it took 11 months to fix his PC. That’s why I’m pretty sure that there is more to this than what the OP is telling us because if he cared about the guild that much he would have made contact LONG before 11 months.
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Eh, this depends on the guild. I would just have to say you have to make a judgment call depending on the other people in your guild.
I don’t usually contribute gold to others unless they ask me directly or the officers are running a contest of some sort (we recently had a “buy in” for “Best Bank Alt Guild Name”). However, I’ve dropped mats, enchants, gems, food, etc. into the GB because my guild is pretty casual about how the GB gets used.
This is really a “see how it goes” situation. The OP was in one of those that just went south.
gold is so easy to make now
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