Been inactive due to broken PC lost guild leadership, current leader won't give back

Unfortunately you are not likely to get the guild back. If you check the following Blizzard Support article you will see their approach to the matter.

I Was Dethroned and Want to Reclaim My Guild - Blizzard Support (

What’s the benefit of putting gold into a guild bank instead of leaving it on yourself. The exception is if you’re at gold cap.

As for items, depends on permissions involved. If it’s actually usable, then you get “people raided the guild bank, pls help.”

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It really is. I spent most of the last patch cycle AH and mission table grinding to amass a tidy sum to take advantage of a sale I was hoping would come before DF. Just dropped earlier this week and I only had to add a single dollar out of pocket to get all of the transfer/race change services I was looking to get.

I wonder how much over 10 million will last me. I recall just one million wasn’t enough at start of shadowlands. Had it all tied up in pending auctions.

Gold being easy to make also means things you buy with gold tend to be more expensive, so really it’s a horse a piece.

I think i have like
 10k gold total on my account lol.

Gold inflation lowers static costs. Inflation is good.

Static costs are never the issue.

sure they are, if you start thinking about stuff like mounts. (Yak etc.)

Well I’m sure if you put time and money into something involving other people while also expecting your investment to be protected that you had a contract spelling out just what would happen under various situations that might mean you can’t play.

So what does that contract say should happen in this situation? And please don’t tell us that you did not have a contract and now you are wondering why people walked off with your hard work and money.

You don’t need things like the yak though.

I’ve never had an issue doing things like repairing.

But if 10000 gold is as easy to make as 1000 gold used to be, potions/flasks/enchants also increase by the same amount.

yes but stuff like yak is cheaper to afford relatively, and everything else is unchanged.

And yes, I needed a yak, got tired asking for repair mounts.

Beyond the

There absolutely is. OP is claiming this was some rank 8 rando in his guild that claimed ownership. But you need to be rank 2/3 (maybe not even rank 3?) to claim ownership when the GM is inactive. So many elements of this thread don’t make sense.


Required raiding consumables and crafting mats are very much NOT unchanged.

How are they changed if stuff is expensive vs “cheap?” If it’s raining gold, gold is easy to make, so stuff costs more accordingly.

Don’t even need to read any of the replies to know it’s a bunch of Blizzard fanboys saying it’s your fault.

However if there is people who are merely stating there is nothing that can be done, then they are correct. Blizzard adopted this guild approach awhile ago to leaders who don’t login, and they have no interest in changing it or dealing with matters like this at all.

I mean, i still don’t find gold that easy to make, you can make like 2k a day doing your daily convenant thing, but required consumes for a night of M+ could be anywhere from 2-3k

I don’t play the AH, only way I get gold is questing.

The trick is make the gold the first month of expac, and then just coast. And that only works because everything is super expensive.

I’d rather play than make gold /shrug.

First month of the expansion is all about getting characters leveled and gearing them in M0, M+ and raiding.

Youre gonna lose it all. Blizz will not give you back gold or the guild.
You shoulda fixed it to where no one can take over the guild

Eh, enough gold negates need for gear, cause you can just buy boes.