Been inactive due to broken PC lost guild leadership, current leader won't give back

There is though. Login 4 times a year.

Idk what all this arguing is about. This guy made a guild, put all his personal stuff in it, invited a few randoms, and one of them took the guild when he quit. It wasn’t a serious raiding guild. It was taken so the guy could raid the guild bank. What kind of person defends this behavior?

And kicking everyone out of the guild. Both work equally well.

he left for 11 months.

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If someone invites randoms to the guild and doesn’t log in for enough time, that is totally on them.

Don’t invite people to guilds you don’t know or haven’t attempted to vet.

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And that makes it ok to raid the guy’s bank?

100%, learn the rules


Then they should have reviewed the rules around guilds to know the risks.

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This is why people quit honestly. You come back and get a slap in the face.

the guild bank isn’t your personal storage system. you want to quit for 11 months and expect it to be there then you are sadly mistaken.


A Guild Master controls who has access to the Guild Bank. It is their responsibility to set that up. People in a guild can only take what the Guild Master ALLOWS with settings. That includes things they are permitted to take out of the bank or a guild they are permitted to dethrone.

No, Blizzard won’t do anything about it when a Guild Master sets it up to intentionally let people take things out of the tabs.

The exception is if a compromise is involved.

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No. This would be a bad idea.

There’s a reason they put this system in place. Yoinking leadership away from someone that stuck around and tried to keep the guild together while the GM went AWOL is not a good solution to the problem.

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It’s bad design. It’s a completely arbitrary way to set your guild up to not be raided. You’re incentivized to kick everyone from the guild just to be sure no one can take anything from the bank.

But it is. That’s how this game is set up. GMs have 100% control. The OP could have put 0g in the bank and kicked everyone out then used the gold to buy a ZG tiger from the BMAH.

So, your argument is that it’s the same to make sure guild leadership stays with someone with the GMs trust so that everyone in the guild can carry on normally in the GMs absence as it is for a GM to ninja everything in the guild and boot everyone?

It really must be Sunday.

then use void storage, this is a GUILD a community. QQ harder

muted, crap post

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Lel. truth hurts.


Tired of people defending this garbage system when communication would suffice

there are other massive storage options, the guild bank IS NOT YOUR PERSONAL STORAGE!!! They have deep storage known as void storage. You have a bank as well and very large bags now.