Been contacting CS to resolve an issue since February, now it’s too late to help me?

Regarding the Golden Mobile Timepiece, it’s also quite an old reward, again, we cannot award this, so the only avenue is a bug report, that said, there’s is no guarantee this will be possible to be awarded at this time. both issues are simply too old at this point for any guarantees to be made.

I’ve been contacting trying to get help since February 5th… and I had a bug report posted back in March. How is it too late to help me?

It’s not a CS issue, it a developer one. CS can’t help with this.


When they say it’s too old, it generally means the data/logs to confirm it are long gone.

They haven’t said no - they’ve just said there are no guarantees.


But I’ve earned the item and have been trying to get it awarded since the “fix” went out (that didn’t work for me, for some reason.) Why is there even a chance that I can’t get it?

The GMs goes by their logs and will need to prove a player earn something in order to give it to the player, much like the item restore. If all they find is nothing to back it up, then they can’t give a player something on their word alone.

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The data logs to confirm may have been purged.

We can only speculate, which is not terrific in most situations.

I remember that reward was available to players who completed that month’s travel log. You mentioned a fix – the fix failed?

I wish you luck. If the bug is still open I hope the devs can solve it, though I’m afraid they’re likely putting out larger fires at present.


I understand. But I had to spend weeks going back and forth with them to even understand my problem… it doesn’t seem right that I did all I could but because of their long wait times, I might be screwed out of something that I earned and could prove to them

It’s not something GMs could had rewarded were it fresh, either.

It’s a bug developers need to resolve. Clearly there’s still something broken.

How about just doing what they have suggested first and not jump to conclusion before you’ve been given an absolute yes or no response?

The fix worked for apparently every other person but me… I don’t have the slightest idea why. I know that I completed it. It said that I did on the log

I’m sure you’d checked already but – you’ve run a search on your mog (toy?) list? It also doesn’t show on other computers?

Edit: Definitely a wrist mog item and not a toy.

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They suggested a bug report back in March. I’ve had it open and, since I had another issue with an item not being rewarded to me, (and them saying it’s been too long to help me) I asked if the same thing could potentially happen by the time that this bug report is addressed. Since I’m the only person with the issue :confused:

i tried two computers and it doesn’t appear anywhere, having searched by name in every transmog category :frowning:

Sorry :frowning:

Sadly this really is the sort of issue the devs need to solve at the back end – why you don’t have access to the item despite having fulfilled the pre-requisites.

Unless explicitly specified as a solution, Blizzard’s GMs are not allowed to intervene with automated rewards such as this, the reasoning being that it has broken characters in the past.

I know it sucks. Sorry. I wish you luck.

And you have also checked to ensure all Sources are ticked in the Appearances collection?


Is a bug report actually going to do anything if I’m the one single person still having the problem? what even is the timeframe on something like that? :disappointed:

Yeah. On their end it doesn’t even say that I claimed it. Which I know that I did… I was waiting for the fix to go out so I could have the Warden transmog

Note: Customer Service cannot grant Twitch drop rewards.

Sorry, opening more tickets won’t change the situation.


I opened one ticket about this.

It’d be for the devs to take note of it and hopefully find a way to stop it from happening. And there isn’t a time frame, just the general ‘it’d be done when it’s done’ mindset as not all bugs are easily fixed.


The question really is what do you expect to gain by posting here? GM’s cannot fix this issue. There are No Dev’s in this forum and the CSR’s are not liaisons to them.
Nothing will happen by posting here. At all. You can post in the Bug forum, but it sounds as though you have been given the answer, so again, I ask, what are you expecting by posting here?