Bear tank = dumpster fire

Yet another patch without any assistance or comments from Blizzard on Guardian Druids. When they last looked at them we were told they were closing monitoring them yet nothing… Very disheartening to see.


Closely monitoring and they were gonna add more changes in the next few days. Yet did neither, oh welll.
Probably gonna get more armor buffs or they will give lunar beam more healing or something.

All they really gotta do is give bear more hp and make regen heal for 30% plus also healing for 5 or 10% of dmg taken over the last 10sec. Which im pretty sure used too be exactly what bear had in legion.

Are bears still a dumpster fire?

Ehhh, we aren’t as good as we should be. But I wouldn’t say we are actually terrible. We are “wow balance” level of terrible.

a little less than wow balance terrible but its better than where it was at.

Lunar Beam is still a dumpster fire. the concept isnt bad the tuning is just useless for where it is in the tree and for what it does.

Bear also shouldn’t be hitting points where its going to get 1 shot by basic mechanics without a defensive up at 100% hp. like. 4% hp between Hyrja blasts with baseline defensive is a little tight yes no?

maybe its less about Bear and more about certain un avoidable mechanics hitting too hard. or maybe Bear just needs a “real” mastery that “actually” does more than a few percent of hp.

why does it take all the mastery in the game to get an extra 5-10% more hp?
why is it numerically impossible to reach past 20%?
getting around 14-15% is very heavy on mastery.
how does that little number make sense?

un nerf the bear master plz. thx

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nahh bears are still dumpster fire, druid talent tree is still really bad, mix that with guardian druid talent bloat, and u got this mess

it only feels somewhat ok in damage but the core issues are still there with mastery

if the mastery is bad, then the spec is terrible

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Bear is basically at the general tankiness that a tank usually is at the start of an expansion.
Its just all the other tanks are much better then tanks usually are at expansion launch.

Found the ghost wisp fan.

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Wish Ursol’s Vortex had an option to pull mobs in from 25y out, similar to Magma Vortex and or Typhoon had an option to suck in instead of push out.

Some type of aoe cc that brings ranged/caster mobs to the tank would definitely be useful in a number of places. Only bears and brews still don’t have something that can function that way. Bdk has the best such tool but war, vdh, and pal all have at least a lesser version of that.

I find this season is impossible to facetank wothout def cds on. However, bear lacks of def cds to fill the gap between incarnation.
Paladin, monk have 24625 short def cds to rotate. BDK have 2 cds which have around 30s cd and last for 14s.
Pwar has 3x short def cds, 2x 1.5 min cds, 2x 2 min cds on top of its innate tankiness.
Bear has 48s barkskin, 2min incar, 1min rots, and 2.5 min SI.
It’s impossible to fill the gap between incarnation with just barskin, rots, and, SI. Moreover, barkskin is terrible, 20% isn’t much helpful.

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What is the warrior version?

Spear probably

shockwave stun

Disrupting Shout: Taunts all enemies within 14 yds to attack you for 6 sec, interrupts all spellcasting within 14 yds and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 6 sec.

It’s not ideal, but it’s something.

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I think the intention, other than those shorter-than-Incarn cooldowns, is to fill that time with some IronFur and/or Ursoc’s Raze shields combined with Frenzied Regen plus any combination of the other healing talents (moonfire healing, wildfire, dream, earthwarden). It would be nice to have all of that, but instead bears get a choice of the approach they want to take. There’s a lot of self-healing in talent tree, with the tradeoff being damage. The choice really depends on the strengths of your group.

As an example of that solid self-healing, I was just in a 19 pug HoV when the rest of the group was killed in the bubble of the storm guy just before Hyrja. I managed to stay alive and slowly (4 or 5 bubbles later) kill the guy from about 60%. None of the rest of the group could return because the storm has a 200 yard range. The group disbanded shortly after dying in Hyrja’s bubble of course (which was not really unexpected).

This doesnt mean anything. This situation is too easy, any tank can solo this without healer in any key level.
Try double/triple pull fortified raging packs without incarnation.
More specificaly, how long can you facetank the first quadra pull in HoV with fortified raging affixes? This is pretty much the standard pull for all tanks.
Bosses like last umbral in AV, last boss in NO, Vex in AA, etc cast tank bursters every 15-20s and can oneshot tanks without def cd. How many def cds can you rotate to survive them ?

If “any tank can solo this” and guardian can solo this, that qualifies as good-enough in any key level. As for facetanking that first pull, I guess it might have lasted a bit longer than Incarn, though it’s hard to tell how long I could have kept going since I think the hdh killed himself at the start of the pull by rushing into a cleave and the others got popped by some lightning not too long after. :slight_smile: I’ve healed and dpsed some also this expansion (though healing is on a lower alt) and every tank can get popped, and the performance of the rest of the group is critical.

No that means it cant qualify guardian. All tank dps healer can tank a murloc, thus all specs are qualified as good as tanks ? That fight is too easy to be set as a threshold.
As I mentioned, the first quadra pull in Hall is a standard pull where all tanks pop all cds and stand as long as possible for dps to burst down.
Despite guardian has the strongest cd in game it’s the first one to to retreat after 48s (30s incar, 10s rots and 8s SI).
Besides that the reliance on 2 min incar makes bear unablr to have incar every pullc thus the pulls without incar cant be tank properly. There are a limit of packs you can do per pull, even you can pull more with incar, you can’t just do it because it will kill the party.
Let’s conpare guardian’s incar with paladin’s sentinels. They both are invincible during these cds. However,
Incar has 2 min cd and lasts 30s.
Sentinel has 1 min cs and lasts 25s.
Paladin can easily have sentinels in every pull and fill the gap between sentinels with AD, EoT, DS, GotAK (plus LoH, Spellward/bastion). Thus the first pull in Hall, a prot pal can facetank for 100s before it retreats. It’s impossible for guardian with mere barkskin, rots and SI.

I think a large issue that faces other tanks as well, is the initial pull. You take so much damage in the beginning that you may even need to use a CD to keep yourself alive just on the start of the pull. Of course, with proper communication in a raid/high key setting with a team, this may not be such a cause for issue, but pugging when a healer/DPS doesn’t know what/how much you intend to pull, can cause issues.

I generally, if i know i am going to pull something quite drastic, use Barkskin or Rage of the sleeper and try to let myself pull rage on a bigger pull, before dumping into Iron Fur and a frenzied regen. That tends to give my DPS and Healer enough time to set themselves up so we can get the packs down quickly.

But my initial pull is where i get concerned, even with other tank specs. Sometimes having to Blow a Large CD on that initial pull can cause you to not have it ready for other situations. Thankfully both Bark Skin and Rage of the Sleeper are 1 Min CD’s, so utilizing them often for bigger pulls throughout the DUNG/Raid as often as we can is nice.