Bear tank = dumpster fire

This is a great idea, I never even thought of pulling with disrupting shout on my war, I am going to try this thank you

I actually love GDruids self-sustain. The issue I have, that I think the community mostly echos, is we are WAY too fragile on pull and our rage gen is relatively slow to ramp up.

And being a “heal it back” class is fine, and has been a Gdruid staple for awhile, but you have to actually either have the mitigation or health pool to survive it, in order to heal it back. Right now when we rotate our DRs we can do that and it works for the most part. Let the DRs/Incarn fall off and suddenly you’re in trouble really fast.

This is just too much, citing specific affix combinations and huge pulls in high level keys as an example of issues the druid has. Where do you get that “this is standard pull” from, how you pull the dungeon changes based on affixes… Also whats the quadra pull before first boss in HOV? I thought it was 3 packs before boss? And if you make this two pulls instead of one it adds like what, 45 seconds to the run? My advice to you is if its fortified and raging split some of your pulls up to smooth out the damage intake.

One of the big issues is healers are spoiled by other tanks, I cant tell you how many times I am dying from a low HPS healer that is trying to DPS. PSA to healers please just heal. Its like blizzard is training these healers to heal at a certain level and then when the druid needs a bit more they cant adjust.

It is 3 packs. But no, if you split it up it adds however much time it takes to kill the drake to the run, and on higher keys the drake is pretty meaty. But it’s true that for PUGs most affixes will force you to split up this pull.

HoV is a dungeon where the timer is actually pretty tight. You can’t really do single pulls. It’s double/triple pulls the whole way to time it. Unless you over-gear it, then single pull away.

He also mentioned bosses ye know, ones that are entirely magic dmg nukes every few seconds.

Yes I couldnt really speak to that I have not done +15 on my druid so if the bosses start one shotting you at that stage without CDs I wouldnt blame people for complaining.

I just think most tanks would have some difficulty pulling 3 packs in +19s during fortified/raging week

Azure vault is horrible for bossess on bear, thats pretty much the dungeon in general that made me just not wanna play bear. Well that and some of the raid bossess.

Watched a bdk and prot warrior do the same key lvl as my bear and it is crazy the difference.
Especially bdks doing that key, they ams every tank nuke from first boss and every other dragon strike attack from last boss.

But ye this week smacks every tank, my bdk has gotten 1 shot in certain dungeons like tojs and halls.


I was bored of BDK and started toying with my other tank bear and paladin.
My bear had extremely hard time to deal with consistent big pulls at keys 16-18 at 390 ilvl, most of time I had to typhoon, vortex and kite around because I have nothing to tank. Meanwhile my 1 week old paladin is farming 20-21.
This is not something related to skill. Bear is easy to play and I have more experience with bear than paladin.

What ilevel is your paladin though?

It’s 405 now.

gave up on bear , now prot war and im immortal , so for 10.0.7 no changes and it seems prot paladins are gonna be super op , gg

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