Bear tank = dumpster fire

grizzle get out of these forums and stop acting like druids problems dont exist

btw to that last response, i had beta and was giving blizz well implemented ideas, and pointing out isses, THEY DID NOTHING to any of my requests or bug sumbmissions.

All they need to do to make bear good is to make bear not bad. Simple.

I just donā€™t understand why blizzard is so scared of balancing tanks specifically. They change dps all the time with massive changes and baseline % damage increases. Yet refuse to do so with tanks. The only thing they change is very minute % mitigation changes and dps increases. Are they scared that a tank mind end up as good as warrior?

I tried bear and I gave up on it. While itā€™s fun to play, itā€™s too frustrating in comparison to my BDK. I am gonna play prot pal alt, the 10.0.7 changes for prot pal are fantastic so far, unlike this dumpster class.

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Same. Any magic damage makes you feel like absolute paper on the druid. Itā€™s absurd they arenā€™t addressing it and just letting it go. Way to listen to your customers, Blizzard. Same old company who never listens, different day. Pathetic response to people just wanting their class to not suck.

Frankly itā€™s beyond frustrating at this point. We all pay to play this game and the wild levels of neglect for some classes/specs is just insulting.

Never claimed Druid issues never existed. Stop strawmanning

Nor do they have to do anything with your requests. You not liking how something.

Then go play the classes/specs that youā€™re paying to have access to that arenā€™t insulting.

Like meā€¦

I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

Not gonna lie. Itā€™s pretty great. So many charges and stuns. Titan throw to aoe pull.

Lol these guides thoā€¦ā€¦

Titanic Throw - AoE Heroic Throw. Very weak skill, deals minor damage from range, not useful.

Ummā€¦. Iā€™d say itā€™s extremely useful for getting snap threat on a ranged pack or that random side pat the huntard face pulled.

Guides are so dumb.

Yā€™all read pumps qq post on guardian?

Tone deaf is how Iā€™d summarize it.

NA they donā€™t hate druids they just donā€™t play druids. So in that way they do not have to fix what they donā€™t play.

It isnā€™t useful, playing poorly isnā€™t a good excuse for needing it.

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Itā€™s a ranged aoe attack that pulls stray mobs to me instantly.

Thatā€™s extreamly useful.

But others playing poorly is!

As I pug all my runs, itā€™s in my best interest to be prepared and have the toolkit to react to whatever gets thrown at me.

Titan throw is essentially my aoe-ranged chellenging roar. I use it constantly. If I had a solid group of competent players to run with, then yea, Iā€™d likely never need it.

Butā€¦. Yeah. Pug life!

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You do you. I can see the merit, but quite simply prot already has all of the tools it needs, even when horrid pugs pull things. Given the mobility and low cds on prots threat generators, you donā€™t really need it.

Most of those tools have cooldowns.

Aside from roar, (which needs to be in range to work), all my tools to pick up ranged mobs are tools that Iā€™m using in my basic rotation. They have cooldowns. Even t-clap might not be available in those 2-4 seconds that my healer is getting slapped (and it also needs me to be in range)

Titan throw solves this problem and I have it available every time I need it. I just yeet my weapon and they come to me. Im free to use my shield charge/ leap for better situations.

Amazing talent!

If you somehow have managed to play to the point youā€™re out of both charges, shield charge, leapā€¦ and revenge, shout, and t clap all happen to be on cooldownā€¦ then there is more to worry about than having another threat generator.

Again, use what you want, but it certainly isnā€™t need with all of protā€™s tools at the moment.

Its called being awesome.

Iā€™ll charge, leap around picking up 2-3 packsā€¦ intercept back to the healer. Sheid charge back in again when theyā€™re all grouped up.

On noā€¦.4th pack pulled?


Titan throw for the win!

Even those pesky pulls where you need to los the room into a hall for explo or los on casters for group management.

Titan throw for the win, baby!

I feel likeā€¦BEAR with me here, hehehe. ā€œIron fur: 30 rage cost ~ Gain 2 stacks of iron fur, reducing damage you take by 2% up to a maximum of 5 stacksā€

this could potentially help. I know the armor buff is decent, but being able to have up to 10% damage reduction, and even pooling our rage for big hits to get to even 6-8% Dr from iron fur would be so much more helpful. Thoughts? Just kinda came to mind. or even just 1% DR per stack up to a maximum of 5 stacks, with still armor buff increase per stack.


This statement makes no sense. WoW has two official E-Sports. One of them is MDI. ATM, +21 is required for a seat at the table. I would argue that Blizzard only starts actually caring about balance at +20 and above; because thatā€™s where the MDI lives and breathes, and it will effect their competition. Anything below that, from Bizzardā€™s 30 thousand foot level view, is inconsequential.

And that is one of the tiniest aspects of the game. They donā€™t tune around the MDI seeing as the MDI comes mid season. If they were going to tune around the MDI theyā€™d hold it right away in the beginning and make adjustments after that. But not how they do it.

And in SL they had a full Druid team running in the MDIā€¦and Druids werenā€™t in a great position in SL. So also goes against what youā€™re saying.

And they canā€™t balance around something thatā€™s infinitely scaling. So going beyond gear/reward levels to ā€œtuneā€ is a horrible design as well.

Strangely enough, this actually supports what Iā€™m saying. It highlights the fact that people who play at that level (AWC/MDI/RWF) might as well be playing an entirely different game than the rest of us. They donā€™t think about the game like we do, they donā€™t play like we do, they donā€™t plan for encounters like we do, and they use classes for reasons that could have very little to do with how we play. Blizzard is forced to balance for those at the very top of the stack, because if they donā€™t, those folks WILL find any tiny crack to slip through and trivialize content.

This is correct. They canā€™t balance around the whole spectrum. And so they donā€™t. Thatā€™s my point. They balance around the very top of the scale, in the case of M+, they balance around what they predict will be the key level of MDI. They figure (mostly correctly) that everything else will be ā€˜close enoughā€™.

At least, thatā€™s my takeaway from watching some of the weird decisions they make in regards to balance. But hey, I donā€™t work at Blizzard. I could be way off target.

Edit: To be clear, Iā€™m not saying they attempt to make all specs/classes viable at that level. Especially in MDI, I strongly suspect they pick a small subset of specs to be ā€˜metaā€™ to make an easier solution set for balancing that level of M+.

They already do this. Case and point: 5 DKs clearing 20 keys, no healer. 200ilvl Prot Warrior clearing 20 keys. Yet, thereā€™s no nerfs or balancing coming because of this. Which is awfully strange for them to be balancing at that point no?

I think you give them too much credit. I think they run out of time when tuning classes originally and the player base finds and creates the meta based off the (un)finished products of class balance and then tuning happens as the game progresses.

They shouldnā€™t base tuning off of something only the .1% of players are capable of doing.

Itā€™s my firm belief they balance around a set of numbers they already readily have. That being the top end of rewards (m20 and mythic raiding). Because theyā€™ve got the data points already in game. Balancing specs beyond a certain point (the point where gear runs out) makes them OP in lower level content. But thatā€™s not how it works. Case and point: fresh 70s