Bear tank = dumpster fire

Baking in an additional 5% magic damage reflection into Ironfur per stack would help with that.

shoot, could add the effect bonus to Thorns of Iron. the reflective nature of the iron thorns would prevent and send back a small amount of the damage back.

being able to apply a few stacks before a big magic hit would help get Bears through the main mechanics of the fight without trivializing it the way warriors and DKs do

Bear doesnt need to be “easy” to push into higher content but there should at least be the tools needed to succeed if played very well.

I’ve said it many times before, but I think guardian would be much improved if they reverted the nerfs to direbear armor scaling, and dropped ironfur as a maintenance mechanic entirely. Having something the tank must juggle while tanking, and having failure be almost instant death, is not a fun or engaging mechanic. Especially not when even doing it “right” doesn’t even reward equivalent to other tanks mitigation.

There are many things they could do to ironfur to make it “interesting”, but making it a stacking armor buff isn’t one of those things.

Just off the top of my head:

Ironfur- decreases movement speed by X%, but all mitigation by Y% per stack. Change the new ironfur damage thing into an active ability that explodes for percent armor damage+flat amount per stack of ironfur on a smallish cooldown. Dramatically extend the timer on ironfur, but make it’s rage cost scale with number of current stacks. Making early stacks “rage efficient”, while hard capping the ability (maybe at the same point where the movement penalty immobilizes you).

Gives bears interesting choices during an encounter, fixes mitigation problems, especially against magic, while not being just a flat numbers increase.

a corruption mechanic like ability isnt a good idea for a core active mitigation. a certain amount of speed is needed to avoid the avoidable mechanics. slowing yourself down would make it far more likely you get hit by the 1 shot mechanics in all the dungeons vs just dying to the non avoidable ones.

It’s not that different from currently knowing when to move and when to stand still for easier time dpsing.

Need more mitigation? Trade speed for mitigation.

Bad thing happening? Pop the off GCD ability that drops ironfur stacks, and go fast.

Know a fight has a lot of avoidance checks? You only stack to 1 or 2 for maximum rage efficiency. Fight doesn’t have any avoidance mechanic? Maximum ironfur for maximum mitigation.

It wouldn’t be face roll, but it would be an interesting mechanic that wouldn’t be any harder to figure out than “when do I use frenzied Regen”

so you want players to have to create their own abilities to be able to react to the slow effect for when they need to move? (casual aura macros)

The very last of my brain cells that were hanging on for dear life, shed a single tear and breathed their last upon reading your post. This isn’t at all how game tuning, or even math for that matter, works.

I agree you are brain dead


This is not how grammar works

Lemme know when you get past your +12 keys.

(P.S. That was sarcasm–I don’t care about you.)


Lemme know when you have an original thought

P.S. nobody cares

On a serious note, this is too true.

Even the devs agree.

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Devs are to lazy to even reply.
Pretty sad really…

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To be fair, these forums are ultra toxic. It doesn’t matter what they do, they would have people spewing vitriol at them. I’d actually argue that they should be making posts unreplyable, and in a forum where players can’t post at all.

Maybe if the devs could shuffle in, share their thought process, and address curated responses to common complaints/requests, we would see more feedback. But blizzard has always sucked at communicating.

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Considering most of our “Mitigation” is based around Frenzied Regen without using External CDS, and that even with like 5 stacks of Iron Fur i am still getting trucked like no other, Getting a better armor buff from iron fur, or even just a different DR bonus from Iron fur all together would already make Guardian more viable in more PvM content…Having to stack Frenzied Regen, couple of stacks of Iron fur and Bark Skin, just to take a bigger hit just seems like too much :confused:


My feeling is that while the devs don’t read the forums (c’mon, they’re busy developing content), there probably is a lowest level employee who checks once in a while to keep track of what people are discussing, and especially what outrage is causing a wave of unsubscription.

They know the tree is problematic. Even if they didn’t guess before releasing the latest version that this would be worse, they have the data to show guardian performance. And they’ve chosen to say nothing, because they have nothing to say that players want to hear.

That’s the problem with “If only they would communicate better…” If they have something to say that players want to hear, that’s when they speak up. Or they tell us what we need to hear and don’t carry through, which is how we got the opposite of what they said they were going to give us.

Hearing they think players have unreasonable expectations, should “adapt” and learn to git gud while working within these restrictions they don’t intend to change because they think players are unreasonable isn’t what players want to be hearing, even if it appears at least sometimes to be the reason why they are saying nothing.

I have successfully adapted with a ticking down subscription timer.

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Druid tank is still a dumpster fire. They buffed talents that no one takes. Screw this game.


they dont listen to us
as of right now on the 10.0.7 ptr

druids have the least changes, matter of fact we have just one

why cant they do a druid rework like they are doing to pallies?
and for pallys theyre actually listening to playerbase. for druids they dont

blizz hates druids

  1. players wanted to choose which eclipse they entered. Blizz granted that

  2. players complained about damage being lackluster outside of CDs, so Blizz increased sustained

  3. players wanted to stack Starfall for AoE scenarios. Blizz allowed that too.

That’s just Boomkin. They listen

changing mastery to sunfire and moonfire was not the called for sustained damage, we were referring to wrath and starfire,
wrath still hits like a noodle
starfire only good in aoe
starsurge is a joke this xpac
starfall is stackable, but got hella nerfed to compensate, now u HAVE to stack up to 3 for starfall to do something

eclipse being made a choice has been asked for since 9.0

its like they answered our problems with very lazy solutions

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That’s not sustained either. Players just wanted their fillers to count. Starfire is still a major component of your damage. Put that as number 4

Imagine an AoE ability only being good in AoE :roll_eyes:

You don’t play Boomkin do you?

Yes, they already had the eclipse system in place going into 9.0 and kept it. Then changed it as players wanted going into 10.0. Again, getting what you asked for.

With what players asked for. Welcome giving vague demands instead of well thought and researched requests