Be kind to one another. I'm done


So basically it’s more attention grabbing like it was from the start then?

Good to know things never change.

The sun will always rise, taxes will always have to be paid, and Preheat will always make another thread to try and get attention through complaining.

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It’s even more fun when others get into the act and mahna mahna and baby shark become one song :rofl:

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The youngin’ loves that song. She about drives me crazy with it.

And you just can’t help yourself .


I mean yes you can be proactive and yes maybe there are places who are pretty desperate for employees, but it’s not an automatic guarantee that anyone can get even a simple grocery bagging job in 30 days. I think it would probably be more negative later on if someone said “well, surely 30 days is plenty of time to find something” and then it doesn’t work out that way, and it feels bad.

And I am not trying to be abrasive here, I know you’re trying to be positive on behalf of another person, but I don’t want someone to set some sort of standard that may not be realistic.

Volunteer work may be a very good idea. Animals can be a great source of a lot of good things and feelings, and everyone knows that shelter animals could really use as much as they can get.

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mate if you can’t deal with online communities perhaps online games aren’t for you.
i get that life sucks right now, you’re not the only one going through this, so sometimes you have to learn to just ignore the people who you feel aren’t going to add anything to you, it’s not worth letting a bunch of randoms online get under your skin, you can’t expect everyone to be friendly and understandable online, especially when you show some degree of weakness by actually telling them how they made you feel, you just gave them more ammo to use against you.

i’ve trolled and i’ve been trolled, such is life online, if you can’t deal with it then avoid the internet, otherwise all that will happen is that you will allow this to make you feel even more miserable.

either learn to ignore or move to other things, letting it affect you as you did isn’t healthy for you.

sings the troll song for all.

You’re right that I have no idea what the job situation is for that person, or what they’ve already done regarding job searches. I did just want to be positive and encourage them to do something besides kill themselves. It may take longer than 30 days to find a paying job, but I hope their mother won’t throw them out if they can show they’re trying.

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Bye. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


yer doing a good job too

Sweet - now we get to find another preheat alt! It’s like an Easter egg hunt :slight_smile:

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It’s like an easter egg hunt but instead of there being candy at the end, there’s just more pain and suffering.


I mean…you are on Area 52 of all places.

Who is that?

90% of the community are good people.
You have to learn to accept that the other 10% are mouthy, self interested, self serving obnoxious morons who arent worthy of note, let alone taking anything they have to say personally.
They arent going away, regrettably…so you HAVE to learn to laugh at the idiots and accept them for what they are.


I agree with the OP. During these troubling times, Blizzard has allowed the level of toxicity both in game and in the Forums to rise to an almost unbearable level.

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See you next week Preheat on your next Vulpera alt.


You’re totally right, even if this guy is a troll like some people say. That’s about the best advice anyone can give.