Be kind to one another. I'm done

2020 and now 2021 haven’t been kind to any of us.

I’ve had more family members die than I can count; I was laid off of my job and have been in financial ruin and have had to live with my parents with no hope and no future. My dad was also laid off.

My mother with COPD and 50% lung capacity needs to go to work every day where she deals with the public that refuse to even wear masks and if she gets COVID she will be dead. And she has to because she’s the only one bringing in money.

You think I’m trolling? I wish I was. I don’t think you have any idea how badly I wish I was.

I came to WoW with the intent to learn more and distract myself from my life. I really did try to make this game work.

But all I get is hateful comments, nastiness thrown towards me and now threats and blackballed in game.

You got your way. I give up. This “TROLL” is done. It’s sad I can’t even edit my post because it was flagged falsely so I need to make this one.

You wanted to ruin my day? Go have your enjoyment at kicking me. You’ve literally made me break down in tears now.

Congratulations. I really hope it was worth it. Have your game, have your community. I want no part of this sadistic insanity.


Dang you almost got me… ok farewell best of luck to you


idk who called you a troll you are clearly a vulpera


Why did the OP start another post?


I’ll be the first to say it. This post feels like guilt tripping and emotional manipulation


For as much time as I spend on the forums, I have no idea what’s going on in this one?


If you hadn’t started off on this forum as a someone consistently trolling and being dramatic, while lying, then you wouldn’t be in this position around here, Preheat.

This is your second or third quitting thread. Are you going for a new record? Because that’ll be a long time coming. Lunnaya was up to like 30.


It’s preheat



Well that explains everything. Thank you.


Because it’s Preheat.


Cause you all false flagged it so I couldn’t edit it. Cute feature btw.

Facts of my life*

Sorry you don’t like them. Trust me, I don’t like them either.

But this is the kind of person you guys seem to like punching on. Some kid in their 20s just trying to make it through the pandemic.

Be at peace.

This has preheat written all over it lol. Glad someone else said it first.


I think it’s “Over Done”!


He’s playing the victim card now that he’s got no other alternatives.


No,op,I don’t think your trolling and if you have a family member or even you , with this disease take care, do the right thing and help your family.

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Victim card?

I didn’t realize literally dying people and the pandemic is a card. Can I please rip it in half and burn it?

Anyhow whatever what am I even doing replying to this insanity.

Be at peace.



Another thread? I’m not saying you’re trolling but creating many threads about the same topic can be construed as trolling.


Then you’re a fool.
I wish I was.

Couldn’t edit it cause you all false flagged it and the forums have the “cute” feature of preventing edits.

I thought he hated furries.