Be kind to one another. I'm done

Whoa tunes changed again? Want to blame the pandemic for someone telling you that you were wrong in a post then went off on them saying they were threatening you? Then doubled down on another?

Yeah victim my donkey.

Starting a pool… How many weeks til our next I quit post from Preheat? I am going with 3…

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My first thought was , “how can you not count how many of your family have died?”.

I’m sure I’d know how many, if I lost some.

Anyway, coming to the forums to vent is likely to be counterproductive



I just wanted to be very clear on it just in case.

Also I wouldn’t want to be in your guild; I’ve seen enough of your unwarranted cruelty towards me to last a lifetime. You assume I am a troll so you don’t hold back the punches-- so no I wouldn’t want to be in your guild.

Be at peace.

“You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy”

…than most of the people in World of Warcraft.

Do not let it get to you.

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I love how you just ignore the fact that someone threatened suicide in your thread to once again focus on yourself. Not surprising.


Public school education?


OP, if you actually were enjoying the game (just not the people) perhaps you could try ignoring folks and just doing your thing. I mean, that’s pretty much what I do.

I see that a lot of people here believe you’re trolling. I like to think (or at least pretend) that everyone starting a thread is sincere because communication flows better that way. I don’t see how it hurts me to assume you’re sincere, and if you’re not (but it makes you happy that someone believes you) that’s okay, too.

So, I’ll say I’m sorry you feel you have to quit. If you really believe there’s no way to enjoy WoW without being picked on, then stepping away is a good choice. I wish you the best in all your future endeavors. And I hope you can find some kind of peace despite the pandemic and other problems in your life.


Oh you mean like the first 5 seconds of literally any conversation with my wife. Ok I can visualize now.

Youre lying again… It took you a few replies to come back.

Then do it already. Millions of people have been affected by covid and many play this game but theyre not crying for attention or using their bad circumstances to garner attention here. They put on their big boy undies one leg at a time and face it head like adults are supposed to do.

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Order me not, rat of the sands, for thou hast no command as doth my kith and kin o’er the heart of me.


Because we know it’s Preheat and this isn’t the first time he’s melted down like this and dramatically cried that he’s quitting. It’s the boy who cried wolf too many times.

And he doesn’t even care that someone else in here threatened suicide and is just focusing on himself and his own drama, as usual.

I love you, B, you know that, and I’m glad you give people the benefit of the doubt, but Preheat is acting quite dramatic and selfish as is common.


Posting in the 10th thread today


In all honesty it could just be him again.

Regardless if it is, lying or not, I hope they get some help.


Sometimes the best thing to do is get off the forums and just go play and enjoy the game. People can be trash.

Agreed, I don’t like to see people suffer. Especially needlessly.

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Thank you, R. Like I said in my post, I don’t think it hurts me to go along with the OP–though I am concerned about Frozenshot. If they are truly feeling suicidal, maybe this thread was a good thing, giving them the chance to reach out for help. So even if the OP is a selfish egotist, they may have inadvertently helped someone today.


Thank you all for turning Preheat’s drama into a support thread for someone else who may need it.



Just noticed?

I’ve been pointing it out for ages. Probably since Yth left. Maybe even before that.


I didn’t do anything to you Evix. Hope you can have a better time whatever you do. maybe stop giving haters attention.


Join the club! There’s a lot of us. It doesn’t have to stop you from having a good life. It didn’t for me. :slightly_smiling_face: