Be kind to one another. I'm done

You wouldn’t be wrong. I’m pretty silly at times.


So you’re quitting the game because your mom has copd and people won’t wear masks?

The title of this thread was promising but your post is strange, to say the least.

Btw, many of us have had deaths lately. Lockdowns are brutal.


Sorry you’re upset - this game sort of blows and the community has enough ill will in it to sink a ship. But it’s not everybody - you can dismiss it. It’s meaningless drivel. You’re young, gawd to be 20 again. Find something you enjoy and stick with it. Save your money - help your mom the best you can - you’ll find another job. A better one. It’s all gonna work out, you’ll see.

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I think so too. At least I’m hoping so, otherwise this is just sadness in font.

Because you can’t stop yourself.


When you use it as you have, yes it is. And it’s pretty disingenuous to me coming from you.

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This forum has a serious moderation problem…


Best of luck.

We all need it these days with the number of crazy people in the world who seem to think the death of 2.5 million people worldwide is some kind of hoax, or just some intolerable inconvenience as long as it is other people dying.


Gonna say what I said in the other thread - take a break.


Fortunately their posting history today makes that extremely likely.


When you can’t even succeed at trolling on the WoW forums you can safely say your life has reached a new low. I’m intrigued to see where it takes you next!

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Hey guys! I love playing the game and have a grand ol’ time, but I hate the forums! I post stuff and people are mean to me and make me cry. Should I quit the game? Quit the forums? QUIT BOTH?!

I’m so confused. I wish there was a way to play this game without being required to post on the forums! I wish there was a way to ignore people in game! This is just too much. IT’S JUST TOO MUCH!


Not sure what happened to you but hoping things turn up for you and your family. The nice thing about gaming is that you can always walk away from it. The unfortunate thing about reality is that it’s there once you come back from fantasy.

There are always folks that thrives on making people feel bad and I’m sorry that you experienced that (Seemingly a lot).

It does, but it’s the 911 dispatcher in me. Either it’s true and we save a life or it’s false and he gets into trouble for lying like that.

I managed to put in a ticket for a real life threat using the website. Just in case.



I wasn’t going to reply to anymore but just to be clear I am not in any threat right now in real life period.

I’ve been threatened in game but I am not in any danger.

Just figured I’d make this astoundingly clear.

I’m quitting this game and going to do I don’t even know what but I am not doing anything to myself.

I’m crying and obviously upset, anyone would be. But that is still a far cry away from doing anything like THAT.

I wasn’t talking about you. Contrary to your delusions, you are not the center of conversation here. Someone else has threatened suicide in your thread.

This is unimportant with current circumstances. And seriously, I’m glad you’re not in my guild. I couldn’t handle this drama. Report whatever harassment you think you got and just move on.


Go away. /Tenchar

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See you tomorrow.