Be careful when you troll/grief people in game

then why even bring it up? no one cares about hunter biden’s laptop.

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I think you have me mistaken for someone else.


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I am pretty sure with the single post you made in this thread, and without taking a look at your post history, what you said pretty much sums up everything I would need to know about you.

The fact you wrote;

Is indicative of a specific status.

So why don’t you stop being a coward and say what you’re going to say?

You’re of the opinion that manners and “pushing content” are mutually exclusive, what more is there to talk about?


Blizzard has the names.

Ban everyone that was trolling/griefing him. Odds are they did it to other players too.

I have no sympathy for them.

Perma ban the worst offenders, temp ban the others. Send a message.

you know its actually absolutely comical that the blue is confused to why people keep questioning this lol. “blue blue! can i say this and not get banned, or maybe this?” people on here try so desperately to find ways to be mean to each other and cuss people out.

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I wasn’t referring to that. That’s not even banable lol

If I had to guess on why their case (and likely others) got a pass on swearing, it’d probably be due to the vagueness of speech rule (i), whose wording is somewhat open-ended on the topic.

Whereas the name rule takes a much more hardline stance on no swearing, that rule doesn’t mention swearing by name, instead focusing primarily on nsfw speech, slurs, threats, and illegal speech.

The closest it gets are the lines “or other content or language which in the sole discretion of Blizzard Entertainment is deemed to be offensive” and “or otherwise objectionable content or language”.

Given that there are swears that are used in-game by npcs, with Garrosh using one towards Sylvanas (has since been changed) in Cataclysm Silverpine Forest, I would say that context likely matters and that it probably falls into more of a grey-area than anything.

Granted, given the “sole discretion of Blizzard Entertainment” stances may have changed to be more against it in recent times.

Based on just what I’ve seen over the years, I doubt it. Follower count is like social money. And those with big money typically have gotten off with things that would have gotten the book thrown at the average joe. The same has been evident with treatment based on one’s youtube/twitter/etc follower counts.

Eh. Asmongold admitted that he was foul in the past and cut back on it a lot during Cataclysm when Blizzard reached out and gave him one final warning. He’s far more tame nowadays. Course he also plays way less WoW too. He loves the game but it seems that he’s no longer able to enjoy it due to how the game has evolved. Such as his meltdown over losing his old setup and addons recently.

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does asmongold even play WoW anymore? haven’t seen him game on azeroth in a while :eyes:

I will explain this to you from the side that always keeps getting punished. Not me in particular, but those I interact with frequently.

Let say you are invited to a party. There are 20 people at this party. 9 of them are age 20, just like you, and the others 10 are all 21.

Everyone is drinking alcohol. 10 who are of age, and 9 who are underage. They convince you to join in the drinking, and you participate.

You are having a conversation with all of the underage drinkers. They are contemplating something that you simply detest. They think its morally correct to do dad things to people. You add your opinion as to why its disgusting. You use the same vulgar speech they are using and the same tone and context.

Suddenly the cops show up. They arrest you for drinking under age, and they leave the other 9 people to keep drinking under age and having their one sided conversation.

When you get to the police station, you ask the cops why they only arrested you. The cops tell you that the other 9 people are allowed to break whatever rules they want to because they are oppressed and so the rules only apply to you.

Each side has an opinion of things and stuff. Each side is mean in their own way, and sometimes they are mean in the exact same manner using all the same language. Only one side is ever punished for it, and this is called balance.

But…lemme guess “hur dur, you is just a toxic and can’t stand having your speech taken away”.

No, I do just fine. I can sit back and watch these things unfold real time while the side that doesn’t get punished, unless there are ridiculous mitigating circumstance, gets to do whatever they want to. While the other side is forced to shut up lest they be punished for doing the same exact thing.

Case in point;

I would get reported and silenced for this statement. I know this because it happened to me on the Overwatch forums.

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They got a “pass” because they did not get reported, esp when people had to manually go make a ticket and document everything - name, server, chat channel, time stamp, nature of offense, etc. Not as many did that as use the right click report.

With regard to the game language vs the player language, that is a bit different. There are two standards. Blizzard is held to the rating for the content they create and have reviewed. That is Teen rated by the ESRB. Player created content (chat and names) is NOT rated, and has to follow the game company policy. Blizzard has chosen to have the same family friendly policy for all their games and forums. No profanity, masked profanity, sexual comments, slurs, etc.

So yeah, even in an M rated game the player content for Blizzard is still G rated and actioned if reported enough. :woman_shrugging: As long as people are polite in public chat/groups it is easy to stay out of trouble. Private chats are with friends and won’t likely be an issue.

In the case of the game, two wrongs don’t make a right. The person reported gets the account action if the chat logs back it.

You keep bringing in politics to a game topic. The game is not the place to get into arguments with people over politics and troll. No, Blizzard won’t let you say that you hate X group of people, that the earth is flat, or whatever buzz topic is going around that week or political season.

Everyone in the game and on the forums are your fellow game players. We all have a ton in common that we enjoy in the game. Other players are not your enemy, unless it is PvP! Stop letting some sort of fringe nonsense make you think you need to hate others and attack others. Or that others existing in the same space as you is somehow a threat. Esp in a GAME.

Save the politics for whatever social media or news site comments.


I may post on the forums from time to time, but I saw myself out of the chat game in World of Warcraft around Legion. So its been a long while since I have said anything outside of “thank you” or “Sup” in a very, very long time.

You are assuming this is my politics, and its not. I wasn’t the one who started erasing things from the game as a political tool, Blizzard did that. I wasn’t the one who updated my rules to include a slang term “hate speech”, Blizzard did that. It doesn’t affect you, because you tow the line.

What is most outrageous here is this.

How dare you accuse me of having some delusional ideas about hating people, or thinking the earth is flat.

This here ^^^^^ is why you can instigate, and I am forced not to retaliate for fear of being punished for wrong think.

What I should say I cannot say, but I assume you can fill in the blanks for me. It isn’t nice, and you wouldn’t like it.

That being said. Leaving for the aforementioned BBQ. Keep the forums warm for me.


That was in the 2004 TOS. Not using hateful speech is part of the original rules.

  • (i) Transmit or post sexually explicit images or other content or language which in the sole discretion of Blizzard Entertainment is deemed to be offensive; nor shall you transmit any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable content or language, nor may you use a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent the content and language restrictions listed above;

you need to spam that in the chat box.
They arent paying attention evidently.
Chat was so bad yesterday I had to tab out.

you got banned from game permanently op. that is a net gain from the game. considering your atrocious takes on these forums that are straight out of the 1950’s this can only be a net positive for humanity.

Nothing will ‘ever’ compare to the Blackrock Slicer references that used to fly on Classic, and those people deserved rightly what they got for making such crude commentary in the game.

my theory on feds is that their like mushrooms, feed them crap and keep them in the dark

you have a nice day ladies

Have video evidence
Multiple witnesses
Motivation by blizzard to help them by helping bring in money and get preferential treatment

The average player not so much.

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