Be careful when you troll/grief people in game

So for obvious reasons people hate asmongold so I’m not linking his videos

But a little bit of google search and his griefers got perma banned for “breaking the social contract”

So blizzard does take it seriously

Don’t bother being edgy if you don’t want to lose your account


Yeah when thousands of viewers are witnesses. I wonder if that one unknown guy will get the same help.


there is a fine line between trolling and harassment IMO, hopefully the wow admins are more reasonable then they are literally everywhere else on the internet

Let me guess. Another bait video by asmon just released with a thumbnail of his eyes wide open and mouth agape?


that might be the one

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you would think that true free speech enables trolls, but in my experience it does the opposite

trolls have a real hard time with people saying absolutely horrible things to them (like real life bullies)


Very likely


back in the free speech days of the internet there was less of a troll problem because we could more freely use gamer words in arguments with them

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This has always been the case. It is pretty rare, but if someone keeps breaking the rules eventually they will permanently close the WoW license. This happens to regular folks who keep breaking rules even when the target is not e-famous. Posts on the Customer Support forums pop up from time to time with people complaining that the whole account got closed!

Then you find out they had something like 40 chat infractions over the years and Blizzard was just plain done. Fired them as a customer on that licence.

They will also shut down a license, or entire Bnet account for infractions that violate actual IRL laws.

I have idea what Asmon was on about, but it does happen and is not related to streamers.


I go by golden rule.
Always works for me :smiley:


It’s scary because my account is 17 years old and my Characters are important to me.

In the past, you could straight up have verbal arguments using every swear word and nasty word you could think of, and nothing would happen.

Now, you’re telling me if I call someone in a PUG a “Shifty Tank” (not shifty, the other S word)

I can lose my account?

This ain’t new. You continue being rude to others and it will, eventually, catch up to you. Note that time ain’t a factor when it comes to actionable offenses. You can say something months ago and it’ll stick.

Generally speaking you can say what you want with your friends but as soon as you’re bringing it to the public space you should be a bit mindful of what you’re saying.


People need to learn to be creative in their trolling in game simple edgy garbage won’t fly anymore

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such double standards at play here


I tried keeping silent but then I got yelled at for being too quiet… I’m just waiting for my inevitable ban for talking too much or too little

internet free speech tyranny has finally reached video games


The anti-streamer crowd around here are generally cringe people.


I try to abide by that rule but people don’t appreciate my fighting irish side often

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Asmongold has millions of followers and this occasion probably resulted in thousands of reports to Blizzard. Blizzard had no choice but to take action or Asmongold would make a video about how Blizzards social contract nonsense doesn’t do anything.

The results are not going to be the same for one of us.


Asmongold is technically a WoW player, and name call outs and shaming is against the CoC. He’s a streamer, but also falls under the catagory of player.

Always seeing these fanatical threads about him, it gets so tiresome.


This ain’t a ‘now’ thing. You could in the past if you were reported.

Not sure what kind of arguments you may of had but nasty things said were as actionable then as they are now. It’s just easier to quickly report things now.