Be careful when you troll/grief people in game

Found the problem. Assuming someone is a ‘weak-minded individual’ if they take offense at something being said is the height of toxicity.


You seem to think it was one time. Ignoring the fact that the Blues had to deal with it so often they were sick of reminding people that they got suspended for language.

The rules have not changed in substance since 2004. The ease of reporting has changed, and the penalties have gone through some changes from time to time. But the same things are against the rules.

Again, people have to report it to be actioned.

I honestly have no issues with a game company enforcing a policy they made. If I don’t like that policy, I don’t play that game. If you keep your colorful language out of public chats and groups the chances of you being reported are slim. Your friends are not going to report your banter.

Just don’t treat people like trash. Not that hard. I might remind you of the days where we got our mouth washed out with soap. I can promise mom or grandma was not “hurt” by language. She just was not going to put up with that kind of nonsense. The early internet has some folks thinking there are should be no rules, and no consequences. Life just does not work that way except in your own home or space you control.


My kids used to get hurt by language. Then they grew up.

I don’t really wish to play a game full of toddlers.

Then don’t?


‘Taste your words before you spit them out.’ - some old saloon saying.

Don’t say something you’ll have reason to regret later.

Plus, there IS a way to stop playing this ‘game full of toddlers’.

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And the echo chamber thats left will be a small player base not able to keep the game alive.

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Like everyone else on the forums who has an opinion.

I am just stating mine. These people should have found their own game to ruin, instead of ruining World of Warcraft. As stated before, the numbers don’t lie. Or lack their of in this case.

Bold that you think this is something new instead of an old issue that’s only now started to finally get traction in reaching a solution. Plus, trolls and griefs were old back in Vanilla. Leeroy Jenkins and DKP Minus were funny once, then the wannabes showed up with their ‘unique spin’ or the memes got over-repeated and became dull and annoying.

Check your words before you spit them into Local. If you’re gonna try to be ‘edgy’ or ‘trolly’ then keep it in /whisper with friends or to yourself. A comedian’s job is to be funny, but the audience isn’t obligated to laugh nor let them perform.

Not even edgy. You can get banned for mentioning some levels of truth.


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Willing to bet that bannable ‘truth’ could do with some fact checking, or persists despite relentless debunking.

If this relates to numbers from meters and such, then the best I can suggest is to be kind with your critique. Be calm, professional, and analytical. If you go off the deep end and start screaming because your key got bricked by a DPS or support that didn’t quite know what they’re doing, or are indeed trolling you, then you’re not helping with the problem. In the first case, you’re being cruel and toxic, and in the second, you’re playing right into their hands.

Again, professionalism and measure solves this pretty easily. Alternatively, just don’t talk with people you don’t know. Stranger Danger and all that.

I don’t even know what you are saying. I was referring to something more to do with civics and politics. I won’t be mentioning them cause I don’t want to get banned.

That’s my point. The audience, that has issues with words, should have been told to go play another game.

Maybe we would all be better off with a more popular World of Warcraft. Seems to be the case when you apply math.

I always find it funny when the fact checkers, get fact checked, and they are found to be lying.

I should explain further to not confuse you.

I am a smoker. I wouldn’t listen to the tobacco company when they tell me that smoking is healthy, then when someone ask for a fact checker we hear from the employees at Phillip Morris.

The same can be said for when you want history fact checked. You don’t ask a person with multi color hair who is a college student to check the facts.

It is Blizzard’s game, not yours, and not mine. Enforcing chat rules is not make or break content. Being a 20 year old game with several lackluster expansions and a lot of competition out there, is more relevant to population size. If I wanted to pull “I played longer” I could tell you to get out of my game, but it is not my game.

Blizzard has been pretty clear about who they want in their games. It is not the people who can’t be civil. If you get Silenced, Suspended, or banned, Blizzard is making it very clear they don’t want you around anymore if you keep engaging in that behavior. Did not want it in 2004, and still don’t want it now. I mean, there ARE places online that are free for all with no moderation - but this game is not the place.

They can probably spell college though.


I’m sure both sides of the story are being judged fairly.



My comments were in vein of constructive criticism. You nor I get to decide who is allowed to play the game, this is true. Though we can both have opinions based on our own experience. My experience is allowing the “triggered” class to infect the game was one of, not the main reason, the game is in the state it is at the moment.

Warhammer, Tera and Final Fantasy had their go long before World of Warcraft hit its teen years. None of them could dethrone the king. At least not until Shadowbringers. Though, that is a different story entirely. What we see now, especially today, is the effect of catering to a crowd of people who have no staying power and less monetary investment. These people should have never been marketed to, in my opinion.

Civility isn’t at the core of this issue. Stiffing speech others don’t want to hear, and particularly one group of people is the issue. November of 2016, after a presidential election I did not participate in, supporters of the current president of The United States of America couldn’t celebrate the victory. Even the most banal of comments were met with harsh punishments. Though I wasn’t in the celebratory mood, my bother took an L for simply being pleased at the outcome. Blizzard allows this double standard based on people who aren’t worth it. As can be seen by the outcome of these decisions over the years.

Like I said, I don’t say anything period. Can’t report what isn’t there. Many others seem to be doing much the same as the chat window barely moves unless there is a raid advertisement or someone selling Mythic+.

Oh, 1000 pardons. I was in a hurry, I had to leave to get something for the May 5th BBQ. Wife is Hispanic and all that. I will correct it right away…wouldn’t want to trigger someone.

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those losers got what they deserve.

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I think it’s hilarious when people admit that they are so foul that they are better off not talking in game at all to avoid the risk of being banned, silenced, or otherwise actioned.

To which I think, good. We are probably better off not hearing from you.

It is a matter of civility, not of “muh free speeches”


do you think the people who are responsible for these things are going to personally contact you to tell you the outcome of their outbursts?

i’m just curious how you’ve managed to come to the conclusion that these people aren’t having to deal with the consequences of their bile puking?