Be careful when you troll/grief people in game

the guy contradicts him self all the time… In my books they guys a loser and picks his nose during his videos… I swear the dude ate a bogger in one video… He thinks he rich being worth 2 million… maybe 100 years ago… lol my two thoughts on him… If he’s reporting people then shows how much of a douche bag he is for a comment that hurt his feelings hate to see the guy in the real world instead of his little teenage followers.

So the video I can assume is someone being a douchebag, and then going…

When Blizzard does what they do for violations of the social contract?

Cool. Just saved everyone 30 seconds and having to give a streamer money via a click.

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Whats hypocritical is the way he trashes and bashes people in his groups thus violating the contract thing yet he gets away with it daily because hes Twitch famous.

Rules for me but for thee. Not surprised.

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Trying to link “edginess” with “trolling”. The two can often go hand-in-hand but they are separate things.

Yayyyy finally we’re killing the “edgy” and “troll” culture.
Byeeeeeeeeeeeee y’all added nothing good to the gaaaaame

So crackhead streamers are getting back what many of them made a career out of.

Do we really need legal assistance every time the bully company changes the agreement? Click accept or get lost.

Merasol wants to act like they know what 2004 World of Warcraft was like.

Alternatively, Meresol would like people to believe that Blizzard used the Terms of Service written law as often as they do now. Revisionist history for a video game.

Even I didn’t start playing for an entire year after release. Back then, the Terms of Service were just a CYA document for Blizzard. I never heard of a single person getting banned or even punished in the slightest for a chat violation. It just didn’t happen.

The game had a better social aspect without a reminder of the social contract. When people just took it upon themselves to ignore things they didn’t want to see or hear. And now we are left with these topics where the least desirable can come and be heard when they think that language that hurts them is violence or some garbage.

I don’t even remember the last time I sent a chat message in World of Warcraft. Its not worth it to interact with the community any more on Blizzard’s platform.

Hi there. I do know exactly what WoW was like because I have been playing since Open Beta. I have the statue for the 10 year no breaks sub. Not a big deal, but yeah, I do know exactly what the game was like.

I also did not say they enforced it as often as they do now. If you had read everything I said, you would have noticed that in order to enforce the rules, someone has to be reported. People did not bother to make a ticket as often in Vanilla. Right click report has certainly increased the ease and accuracy of reporting. It captures the text logs, name, serer etc so GMs don’t have to go looking.

You don’t have to believe me. You can believe the Blues who had to reply to people on the forums whining that they got penalized for their language in game. Note the dates. They most certainly did penalize people, and just like now, they would come to the forums and complain they got caught breaking the rules they agreed to.



It’s pretty easy to not be a complete tool with the minimum of effort. Keep the jokes with friends and you’ll probably be fine.


well if an onlooker saw it and not knew they were buds this might ended in bad for them

Even a blind squirrel finds nut every once in a while.

So you dug up the few people who, I assume same as your capability, that these jokers were using real life threats or some form of definitive harrasment, ie creating new characters to continually whisper someone non stop.

I specifically stated that I didn’t see it happen. I could add that I participated in Barrans chat like everyone else, and everyone could have been mass banned there with the previous and standing rules in the game. Difference is, Blizzard didn’t do it then because the community was better then. People would actually chat in game. Not sure if you have noticed, but its pretty quiet in the game right now. At least comparatively so.

Why not link some of Eyonixs’ banter instead a few rando bans?

Ah, ya, we both know why.

The game was better when people were left to their own devices. The numbers tend to agree.

My favorite phrase from when I worked tech support.

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My wife works in medical and they used to say this when they “fired a patient”. Then that too became too offensive and now they say “terminated”. Soft people should be seen and not heard.

I saw a chat punishment happen in an AV in early BC. It happened to me. It was deserved.


Trolling and griefing is generally against the EULA, so it’s not about “being careful” – it’s about not doing it. At all.

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I mean, yeah, but that’s infinitely more explainable.

Follow the rules of EVE Online: Never use Local Chat.

You can read the same Blue posts that I can read. They are talking about even simple profanity. You may not have seen it yourself, but it was common enough that the forum Blues had ready replies and were very tired of explaining the basic rules to people who were mad they got in trouble. There used to be other snarkier replies than those but I don’t have a copy.

IF REPORTED, being the key phrase with all account actions for chat. If people did not report it, then Blizzard would not do something about it. Same then, same now.

They don’t currently go looking for chat violations and don’t have an AI scanning for them. Yet. So it is up to other players to report if they find something obnoxious. Something does not have to “hurt someone’s feelings” to be inappropriate.


You seem to be really caught up with how one time Blizzard banned someone for a thing.

My point is, and the numbers agree, the game was better without all the hand holding in any and every aspect you can think of.

You going to show me how the game is more popular and full of social activity more now then it was then. I didn’t think so. Not to mention, you completely ignore my invocation of Eyonix, who used to be just as abrasive as any random person. Yet his text was blue.

2023 World of Warcraft, don’t say anything in chat unless it fits the narrative of weak minded individuals, or gamble with your account being punished. Not a good look Blizzard, not a good look.


LOL right?