Be careful when you troll/grief people in game

It alters nothing. The Social Contract is a reminder of the rules we have had to follow since 2004.

Original User Manual from 2004 - which has the EULA at the end. It points to the requirements for accepting Terms of Use with the website for it. I selected the first archived Wayback Machine TOU for WoW from 2004. I have copied out the relevant sections for you. Yes, it included hateful names and speech and profanity.

  1. World of Warcraft Rules of Conduct.

As with all things, World of Warcraft is governed by certain rules of conduct that must be adhered to by all users of World of Warcraft. It is your responsibility to know, understand and abide by these rules of conduct. The following rules are not meant to be “exhaustive,” and Blizzard Entertainment reserves the right to determine what conduct it considers to be outside the spirit of the game and to take such disciplinary measures as it sees fit. Blizzard Entertainment reserves the right to add to or amend this list of rules at any time, and you are responsible for checking these Terms of Use for any newly amended or posted rules each time that you log on.

A. Rules Related to User Names.

Each user will select a user name for his or her character, or allow the World of Warcraft software to select the name for him or her. Additionally, users may form “guilds” and such guilds will be required to choose a name for the guild. When you choose a user name, create a guild, or otherwise create a label that can be seen by other players of World of Warcraft, you must abide by the following guidelines as well as the rules of common decency. If Blizzard Entertainment, in its sole discretion, finds such a label to be offensive, it reserves the right to change the name, remove the label and corresponding chat room, and/or suspend your use of World of Warcraft.

In particular, you may not use:

  1. Names of another person with the intent to impersonate that person;

  2. Names which incorporate ‘swear’ words or which are otherwise offensive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

  3. Names subject to the rights of any other person without authorization;

  4. Names of popular culture or media personalities;

  5. Names that are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment or other companies);

  6. Names of religious deities or figures;

  7. Names of characters from Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft products, including character names from the Warcraft series of novels; or

  8. Names related to drugs, narcotics, or criminal activity, including references to drug substances; or

  9. Name comprised of partial or complete sentences (e.g., “Inyourface”, “Welovebeef”, etc);

  10. Names comprised of pure gibberish (eg, “Asdfasdf”, “Jjxccm”, “Hvlldrm”);

  11. Names that refer to pop culture icons or personas (e.g. “Britneyspears”, “Austinpowers”, “Batman”)

  12. Names that utilize “Leet” or “Dudespeak” (e.g., “Roflcopter”, “xxnewbxx”, “Roxxoryou”)

  13. Name that incorporate titles. The term “Titles” as used herein shall include ‘rank’ titles (e.g. , “CorporalTed,” or “GeneralVlad”) and/or fantasy titles (e.g., “KingMike”, “LordSanchez”)

Additionally, you may not use a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent the name restrictions listed above, nor can you have a “first” and “last” name that, when combined, violate the above name restrictions.

B. Rules Related to “Chat” and Interaction With Other Users.

Communicating with other Users and Blizzard Entertainment representatives is an integral part of World of Warcraft and is referred to in this document as “Chat.” Your Chats may be subject to review, modification, and deletion without notice by Blizzard Entertainment. Additionally, you hereby acknowledge that Blizzard Entertainment is under no obligation to monitor Chat and you engage in Chat at your own risk. When engaging in Chat in World of Warcraft, or otherwise utilizing World of Warcraft, you may not:

  • (i) Transmit or post sexually explicit images or other content or language which in the sole discretion of Blizzard Entertainment is deemed to be offensive; nor shall you transmit any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable content or language, nor may you use a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent the content and language restrictions listed above;

  • (ii) Carry out any action with a disruptive effect, such as cause the Chat screen to “scroll” faster than other users are able to type to it, including setting up macros with large amounts of text that, when used, can have a disruptive effect on the normal flow of Chat;

  • (iii) Disrupt the normal flow of dialogue in Chat or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other users, individuals or entities, including, but not limited to, posting “Spam” messages on World of Warcraft (“Spam” messages as used in this document include, but are not limited to, any effort to use a computer or other electronic device to post an unauthorized and/or unsolicited advertisement to World of Warcraft);

  • (iv) “Spam” by posting or sending more than one unsolicited message or piece of mail to a single address or in a chat area;

  • (v) Communicate or post any user’s personal information in or on the World of Warcraft, or websites or forums related to World of Warcraft;

  • (vi) Use bots or other automated techniques to collect information or communicate or post any user’s personal information in or on World of Warcraft, or websites or forums related to World of Warcraft or Blizzard Entertainment

  • (vii) Harass, threaten, stalk, embarrass or cause distress, unwanted attention or discomfort to another user of World of Warcraft or other person or entity; or

  • (viii) Cheat during game play, including but not limited to modification of the game program files.

  • (ix) Participate in any action that, in the opinion of Blizzard Entertainment results in an authorized user of World of Warcraft being "scammed " or ‘defrauded’ out of gold, weapons, armor, or any other items that he/she has earned through authorized game play in World of Warcraft.

Now can we please agree that these rules have always been in place for WoW and that updates may refine phrasing, but not core content? If anything the rules are more lax now than that were then.


Theres my answer.

It’s the same rules, with a reminder.

I still don’t know how I avoided any account action over the last 17 years.

It doesn’t. The same things that were considered bad before are still considered bad now, and enforcement still relies on players bringing you to Blizzard’s attention.


I think the more pressing concern here is that you think it was or is acceptable to talk to ppl regularly cussing at them.
Guess my morals are different, but that never seems to work when getting people to listen.


You guys know this is a troll thread, right?


Yes well ur a panda and I want to give you food and a hug


If you kept it to private chats, guild, etc - you very likely were with people who shared your boundaries on language so did not report you.

If you did that in public chats an groups with strangers, then you just got really lucky you did not get reported.

Blizzard does not go looking for violations, yet. There is no person or AI searching for text that breaks rules. They depend on other players reporting which captures the name, server, chat channel, chat logs, etc. So again, if it was not reported you don’t get penalized.


That’s as vague of a reaction as my indicator that I said bad things.

I gave you no context yet you assume it was all 100% “my fault”.

Sometimes, people start stuff and I finish it. And don’t assume I’m proud of it.

And don’t act holier than thou and suggest you always turn the other cheek, come on :slight_smile:

I like food and hugs.

Especially food.

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This thread is the reason why I keep in game chat disabled. I’m getting really sick and tired of everything getting blown out of proportion. Either put up or shut up.

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But he has also done interviews with Ion. So, no, in Blizzard’s eye view, he is not still just a player. It supersedes that now - as much as I despise that …person.

They are making it more prevalent and acting on it more readily?

Don’t be a donkey in the game, and you’ll be just fine?

I dont like asmon, but good.
if its some of the stuff like I saw in chat yesterday, pass the bans around a little more.

being edgy in 2023 is already a sign that the individual needs to be banned :rofl:

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This sure isnt a hollier then tho argument lmao. You said “you have no idea the horrible things I said” your words not mine. Thats room for interpretation as Ive been in the old school CoD lobbies that would break some peoples mentality in here.
You dont make statements like that ina public forum an then get to be upset when we call you out for it.

Ofc no one is perfect hell even in these forums I’m sure you could dig something out on me. Definitely not in game tho and nothing that was severe.

lol i agree the old xbox cod lobbies would make todays players crying

my main problem with those types of bans is that it’s one of the things that makes classic what it is. leashing mobs is a classic legacy. Disable leashing and inferno bombing people on HC servers if you want but these are classic mechanics otherwise.

i remember the World Bosses player would pull in to sw and orger
man these player would be banned today.
what best time we had back then

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I think there’s a difference between doing something like this to an entire populated area and kiting a mob to one specific player where it crosses the line into “harassment”.

players been doing that day one if they see aoe skill they will pull them to you its nothing new

It’s unfortunate those same rules are not enforced on these forums.