Be careful when you troll/grief people in game

If being edgy got your account baned then there would be no DH left.


my problems with the social contract is that I have heard and seen the most despicable racist and disgusting things done in this game without consequence

these things are always selectively enforced, which is why things like gun or alcohol prohibition never works in reality

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You may be right but I suspect you’re not.

There is a NEW social contract. That draws a line between NEW arguments, and OLD arguments.

In the OLD arguments, I had no fear of losing my account.

Should I fear losing my account with the NEW social contract?

if you could snap your fingers and get rid of every gun in america I would be happier than anyone

if you could snap your fingers and get rid of everything offensive said or done in wow i would be happier than anyone

but neither of these things are realistic based on past events

I sacrificed EVERYTHI- gets banned

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the law doesn’t exist without consistency, a law without consistency is worse than anarchy

Profanity directed at another player has always been actionable if someone bothered to report you for it.


False. The rules for WoW have always stated we can’t use profanity, masked profanity, slurs, etc. If you got reported the GMs could, and did, penalize accounts. Then it was a Suspension but could end up with an account closure for enough infractions.

Later they tried the Silence system as a first line, escalating to suspensions and closures.

They still do. Only now the Silence starts at a week and then moves to Suspensions again.

Now, it all depends on if you were reported - that is the key. In vanilla someone had to actually make a ticket. There was no easy way to report.

Eventually, yes. It won’t start that way, it will start with lesser penalties if you are reported.

You might want to review the rules.


The content in the Social Contract has existed since the original ToS and CoC with WoW’s initial launch. It’s just worded in a more layman-ish way and not hidden with a bunch of extra stuff.

You’re not at any more risk now than you were back in, say, 2007.


murder is now legal for some people sometimes and very illegal for others enjoy your stay!

That’s impossible.

You have no idea the amount of horrible stuff I have said in WOW over the last 17 years.

I have had my forum privileges suspended when I did it in the forums but NEVER ONCE had any in game action taken against me.

There is NO WAY I “coincidentally” avoided account action for the last 17 years. No way.

I got some bad news about our legal system

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my serious advice is don’t retaliate… this happens in pro sports ALL THE TIME, the guy who gets in trouble most of the time is the guy who reacts

also, the general rule of “if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all” absolutely applies here.

there is 0 need to call someone a crappy tank, even if they are one. your intent there wasn’t to be constructive, it was to hurt. That’s the kind of behavior that isn’t necessary.


Then you probably hung out with people who didn’t give a crap, or you got lucky.

In the grand scheme of things, your offenses probably have a small audience to begin with, and an even smaller amount of people in that audience who aren’t so absorbed in their own business that they give a single crap about what you do and say.


don’t retaliate… if you’ve watched enough pro sports you should know exactly how to act

While this may be true, I have yet to have one of you who are giving me their opinion the answer to this question:

How does the NEW social contract alter the rules as opposed to pre- social contract?

Does that count the governments guns? Because I really don’t want them to be the only ones with guns


if you really care about your account go about your business and don’t retaliate