Be careful how you joke in party

Bad joke, I would have kicked you too.

If I knew people would make posts on the forums about it, I would kick people all the time lol.

Would you kick me if i told you your name always reads as melanin in my head?

SO much wrong with your reply.

Cant fly in bg’s

Umm this applies to first one.

AND WHERE did I say that???

Not a BG. Open World. It sounds like you were implying someone with rez sickness dies a lot. Maybe I mistook your post. Also, If I’m goofing around and dropping from the sky, that’s my buisness and nothing wrong with it.

Pretty much this. You’d be surprised at how dumb people can be.

REALLY? Again where did they say that, all they said was pvp?

Seems to be a lot of that in this thread. :man_facepalming:

Oh, my fault. I was thinking sickness. My apologies for triggering your insides. I also agree. That indicates someone dies a lot.

This needs to be put on a plaque.


No one took anything she initially posted out of context. She literally typed that children should get bullied more and when she got called out, she edited her post. You can see her actual first post quoted in the thread.


She said kids should be bullied then edited it to gaslight the readers and make those who saw the original post look crazy instead of her.


When I quoted her I was in doing with other person who was taking what I said out of context and add/putting words into my mouth. When I called them out they changed what they said and said sorry for triggering me, I reported it and it seems it has been deleted.

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Oh yea, I learned this a long time ago.
Any situation in which someone can have power over another, they will always abuse it if you step out of line from the norm. Not just in WoW, in real life as well.

You had the audacity to make a joke in WoW?

It was just the stupid CTA quest in the Vale.

The question stands.

(also hilarious that after your group got wiped, you would be salty over the leader kicking you for snark).

ha, well there you go, try to be social gets you booted. the state of the world we live in

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Cool story

I learned a long time ago that the most that should be said in a random party is “hi.” After that just be quiet until it is over.


Did you at least get yer nails done afterwards?

I always approach these kinds of threads with the mindset that the OP did in fact do something wrong, and that the kick was most likely justified.

And invariably, after a bit of questionning, they usually slip up on a detail or two that indicates that they were indeed kicked for legitimate reasons.

If your CTA Vale group got wiped and you’re on res timer, saying something like “I’m polishing my nails” is not “being social”. It’s just snark and I’d probably have also removed OP from the group. Not like finding a 5th for CTA is hard.