Be careful how you joke in party

knowing human nature…
I’d not be surprised if sometimes people get kicked for stupid reasons


One thing you learn quickly in life is that nothing is ever black and white.

this is true.

It’s a weird series of rainbows mixed into a mushroom cloud
grey is too peaceful anyway.

You mean the parent right? It is the parents job to parent. Not the teachers.
Ask any teacher these days. They’ll tell you it is an uphill battle with parents refusing to support the school and refuse to believe their perfect little angel might not actually be a perfect little angel.

This ain’t the schools fault. It is 100% the parents.

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When I was in school my parents would ask me why I was failing math. Now the parents ask the teacher why their kid is failing at math

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I got booted from my group once because I was dc’d for 6 seconds in Shadowfang Keep. During the long recess where you wait for the guy to unlock the door after being choked out by Baron Ashbury. At least I got to experience the best part of the dungeon before I got kicked I suppose…

If it makes you feel better, I don’t think you got kicked for jokes, I think you got kicked because it’s weird to type emotes like rolls eyes and stuff. not everyone wants to RP

It’s 2020 with all the baggage it brings. Lots of people are more snowflakey than usual.

You can do something about it or you can do nothing. One positive way is to vote early. Like Forest Gump said, one less thing to worry about.

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They probably knew, people just suck.

Maybe don’t be passive aggressive and people will want to spend time with you.


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Nope. Was only hibernating. Noone gets banned for misinterpreting a post then apologizing afterwords. Honest mistake. But, since you want to accuse someone of lying, then on the block list with ya.