Be careful how you joke in party

You were reported for your unedited post stating kids should be bullied more. You then accused everyone who disagreed with a bad take of trying to silence you for preaching the truth. And for some reason you think we all believe horrible things like Doxxing and cancelling are just,simply because anyone who disagrees with you on anything must be someone who commits everything you’ve ever found wrong, truth and proof be damned.

Removing someone from a group is not abuse. In a private group, the leader can choose who to play with and who not to play with.
In a public group, the majority can decide who not to play with.

Stopping people from removing others would probably result on worse cases of bullying, tbh.


My group kicked our healer last night for using a homophobic slur. It happens. Just watch what you say and you won’t have any problems.

No. I was not, and when I realized the post was taken out of context, I amended it. Well before it was reported I may add. What we have here is a pack of angry children trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, and burn someone at stake for verbal heresies they believe were committed.

Nothing more.

Reporting the post proved my core point. Cheers.

I did read your post I’m glad someone quoted it because you edited out the part that I was referring to. Even after I read the edited version my opinion is still unchanged


For someone who has problems with those who refuse to see their own mistakes and always blame others, you sure are refusing to see your own mistake and blaming others.

The original unedited post was, in context, a bad take. Discussion followed, pointing out it was a bad take. Upon multiple edits, the post was greatly altered making it more passable.

What you’re doing now is assuming people who disagreed with your unedited post are reacting to your heavily edited post and saying “woe is me, look at how I’m being treated”


How interesting. Your character account cannot be ignored and shows up even after one blocks it. I went ahead and unblocked it twice, not because I disagree with what you are saying but merely because I wanted to double check something. Since you have a discrepancy that no one else on the forums does, I’ll say merely one final thing then.

If you are truly a Blue on an alt or something assimilar, I merely request that you address the post in question and either discipline it already, or concede that the post was falsely flagged. The only mistake I believe that I made was replying to Chaotic, or forgetting to make sure on the forums that everything I said was was beyond a state where a blind rabbit could take it out of context.

I made the edits and as you said it is ‘more passable’ because it is now a much clearer view of the point I was making. I also contest that it is in violation of the rules of the forum because it neither called for violence, attacked an individual or really was anything save a view point that it seems a select group of individuals, began to foam at the mouth; shortly after they read it.

I am not saying ‘woe is me’ however. I do not believe that I have anything to be sorry for in feeling that there should be greater consequences when one abuses the tools of the game, or harasses someone. This is because I believe if those consequences existed, there would be a much needed pause before people engaged in those acts, and I think you know that as well.

Will you lovers get a room? The kids are gonna go out and bully again.

Lol, i have genuinely painted my nails while raiding, it’s not hard

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I would guess its because my monk is still 120 and not updated on the armoury for level 50.

Until it updates, the feature will probably be borked.

Not a blue, by the way. Just guessing as to why people found a problem with your post.

I’m sure most would agree with you on what actions committed on social media are bad. I myself avoid all forms of it because it seems so horrible and invites the worst behaviour.

I just wanted to reply to your posts because you were doing a lot of what you condemn others for.

Blaming others for misreading some thin you admitted needed clarification.

Saying others need to be aware of consequences while ignoring the consequences of posting that kids should have been bullied more.

If you were less confrontational and just took a step back I’m sure you wouldn’t be feeling this attacked right now.

Unfortunately, you can’t just post controversial things and expect not to get asked about it in a public forum :man_shrugging:


I mean this is a fast tract way to get a vacation if you want one

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Oh I know and I’ve always been a big fan of honest debate. I love it, because it needs to happen a whole lot more; if we are to reach a better outcome as a communal whole. Unfortunately, we both have seen this particular scenario before, and on Game of Thrones ironically enough. Even in my original post, I said I do not endorse bullying. That should of been enough.

One person says one thing, and the next thing to happen is someone intentionally says the exact opposite of what was said; but tries to make you subscribe to the belief that the person they are attacking actually said it.


Take care Duffle. I appreciate that you at least were willing to have civilized dialogue.

Lmao this is pretty good. How can you not laugh at that OP?


There really needs to be a universally-accepted sarcasm font.




I wish /s was more universally followed. Would make things a lot easier.


ooh spank me !

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This is why I don’t use the chat function in this game. The sort of nonsense that happens thanks to it just isn’t worth it for me.

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Please note this was NOT addressed at Shieraiel. I mistakenly replied to her. I’ve made that mistake more than once. Rather said post was addressed at someone else who acts as a mouthpiece for one of my more prolific stalkers.

They do this on said individuals behalf so that the true aggressor can claim to be blameless, and thus avoid being punished on the penalty volcano for ongoing harassment. I’ll will leave it at that and encourage the mods to look at my < > text for a more full disclosure on this matter.

[walking back the “over the top” comment because I thought it was directed at me.]

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Fixing my post as well to make sure we are not taken out of context as well by some clear opportunists.

That’s because NPCs aren’t capable of abstract thought processes.

I mean I was talking with Anduin yesterday and he just kept repeating the same lines over and over. It made the conversation boring real quick.