i had someone remove me, because they thought shadow priests had taunts. LIke…No, im just getting tons of dps in and…yea boom out. K…have fun you lost 1/2 your dps in the fight there tank.
Welcome to my world…
I get this ALL the time.
Goes with the territory when your sarcasm switch is always in the “on” position.
I can never let a bad joke pass. The worse, the better.
I’d vote kick you too, but that’s just 'cause you’re alliance.
Weird conclusion to arrive at…
21 days…not too bad.
wonder how long till the next one lmao
This is the problem with doing your nails in a party.
21 days what?
Rule number one in humor if it hasn’t been mentioned yet…Know thy audience.
Pretty sure we HERE all get the joke, but your audience at the time held the ‘boot button’ and flat it fell. Sorry you had that group.
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” - George Carlin
It’s should have.
It says that now. Anything more to add?
Yeah there’s something wrong with you for implying children should be bullied more.
I had to Google fleek.
I most certainly did not. You should reread the key part here instead of trying to lie and misconstrue my words because you most likely more than resemble the person I speak about. But we get it. Your will supreme at any cost, even if you must lie through your teeth to get it accepted right?
Just a reminder, the OP was removed from a group in Wow.
Jesus christ that rant was wrong in just about every way.
Jesus Christ yikes.
Im NoT eNdoRsiNg BulLyIng
man i know all about it
i joked about liking pandaren paws in one party and now im banned from all alliance groups
they even put up a sign telling people not to invite me
Oh that’s right. You’d rather be allowed to do whatever the hell you want with no consequences at all. Be sure to abuse that report post function now, disagreement is after all a capital crime in your mind.
Emphasis mine.