well, I’ll be honest here…the person I know who has autism is my wife.
she does have a lot of trouble with my humor. So much so that I can joke with her, have to explain it, then a week later it’ll happen the same way again and again she doesnt get it.
Its just something we’ve learned to deal with since we’ve been married.
We only just recently found out that the stuff shes been exhibiting is autism. Shes late 30s and we’ve been married for 15 years and its been a real struggle trying to understand why she has some of the troubles she has.
there is a woman on youtube who is diagnosed with autism that I was watching one day and wow…you could have put my wife into the video…it was a dead spot on match for every symptom my wife has.
I never knew there was such a big difference between males and females where autism is concerned. I only knew about the symptoms boys get…I didnt know it was different for females, so I never would have guess autism in a miillion years had we not crossed that womans videos.
We’re trying currently to figure out if theres much we can do to help it. I guess once a person is an adult its kinda past the point where they can try to work a lot with the person.
I can have all the patience in the world with someone who has a genuine issue that causes them to have problems.
People who just want to abuse others and then justify it…Id rather hurt their feelings.
Because, using sarcasm when tensions are already high could have the effect of you know… causing people to lash out at you rather than the cause of the tension itself.
It wasn’t the timer. It was the joke. He said so. Horde has been brutal lately and running in huge packs. I wasn’t the only one dying. And there were a couple focusing on me because I’d killed them more than once.
I will point out that some people have a mental disorder, like autism, that makes it extremely difficult to pick up on sarcasm and jokes. Such people may come across as dense, naive, or rude, when they really just have a very hard time processing social cues and signals. So if you encounter someone who can’t seem to understand sarcasm or a joke, try not to be harsh with your response. Let them know it was a joke (as the op did), and politely request to be reinvited. It may not work, but it is better than being a jerk in retaliation. This isn’t really aimed at anyone here specifically, but it is something that we should all be aware of.
Edit: Reading further in the thread, I see someone actually beat me to this lol.
For everyone saying it’s too easy to kick, this sounds like a premade open world pvp group.
BG’s have 30s res at spirit healer.
So the guy leading the group was just a random person leading a group of rando’s to do the weekly AoO quest Alliance get for being outnumbered in Warmode.
No vote to kick was used and/or abused. Just a leader of a small premade party lacking humor.
I had a group were myself and another dps died during boss fight. When he died, he promptly said “sorry my mouse died” and then for my reason for death I said “sorry, I’m trash and was standing in the aoe”. Next thing I know I was vote kicked. Dude whispers me “go be a judgmental &^*% somewhere else” I responded with “I was insulting myself…” but was already ignored. Lol…