Be careful how you joke in party

I don’t really find that relevant, but I eye rolled in my statement about my nails. The last eye roll on the OP was over the whole incident.

I have always been, and will always be, a firm proponent of the idea that the group leader makes the rules for their group and can decide who is in that group for whatever reason they want.

If a player is unhappy with any single groups rules then they have the agency to form their own and have their own rules.

I can disagree with a group leader, their rules, and their reasoning for kicking members while simultaneously supporting their right to do what they wish with their group.


I get that but did you do it a lot during the whole incident? His response to you seems kind of laconic and somewhat humorous in a dry way.

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I totally get that and agree, but stupid is stupid.


I know people on this forum disagree but I honestly think it’s too easy to kick people. People are kick happy. The minute they see anything that they don’t understand or that ruffles their feathers they kick.


That is ridiculous. You don’t go through a TOS every time you join a group. There are basic things that are assumed.


For whatever relevance, I did an eye roll to show sarcasm in my initial statement to the party and that was it. What are you trying to prove here??? and I have quoted the ENTIRE incident now.

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he was kicked for a joke.
childish petulance…end of story
You and I are done here.


My take is that if that’s how that leader runs their groups then you probably don’t want to be in his/her groups.


You can bet I will remember the name. :wink:

No, there isn’t.

My group - my rules.

Your group - your rules.

Don’t like my rules? Don’t join my group.


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Based on what you say happened, you did nothing warranting a kick.
The vote kick was created to remedy a problem before and was NEVER INTENDED to be abused the way the kiddies abuse it.
yes…they CAN abuse it…and I CAN spit on my carpet if and when I want to.

Decency is a thing. Though sometimes I wonder if everyone understands that fact or if many just think that treating other humans beings like garbage ‘just becuz muh canz’ is acceptable ADULT behavior.

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This guy is savage :+1:


when you find someone in threads like this defending kicks for no good reason…you can rest assured they are one of the worst offenders.


Incomplete joke. If you had a 2 minute rez timer, would have kicked you for underperforming. Goal is to kill, not be killed.



Today on things I don’t believe really happened:

I just want to point out that my kids,who are autistic have great sense of humors…its just different. My youngest laughs at my dumb jokes all the time even if he has no idea what I am talking about lol. To be fair…I dont even know what I am talking about half the time…

Like you said though,I think a lot of them are just people with crap personalities.


I just don’t talk to people anymore because they get like this lol. One tiny thing can set off a storm.

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Yeah it amazes me how many people don’t get obvious joking or sarcasm on the internet.

Something like this is so obvious it would be hard not to laugh at it lol.


Maybe the leader had different damage meters which is not good at counting hunter damage (regarding pet damage), so he/she didn’t know OP was 2nd…