BDK nerfs. why?

I don’t think nerfing the uptime or CDR is ever the answer after it’s gotten past PTR/Beta. This nerf would’ve been justified before 9.2 launched, but not during it.

Now I’m not saying it shouldn’t have been nerfed, because frankly it was absurdly OP, but I totally agree the devs went about it the wrong way. Why make the effort to try and preserve the gameplay for Destruction and Survival, but not for Blood DK, Frost Mage, etc? They need to be more consistent with their changes and preserve everyone’s gameplay.


I’ve posted on the thread (class tuning post):

It would be worth giving you some context because you’re so clueless right now.
But at same time, it would be a waste of time, since you don’t even understand what the nerf represents to the class, I will just leave at this.

Sadly that is not how it works.

I go back to season 1 where you barely had 1 BDK in the top 100 tanks in raiderio.
There is going to be a huge drop in BDKs participating in high keys right now because the nerf makes them simply not viable.

In addition, it hurts a LOT mythic raiding guilds that had their BDK tanks ready for progress and will have to switch to another tank.

If you are going to troll, at least be an intelligent one.


I used to main BDK and I could tell you before this patch went live that the set was going to get obliterated at some point. It was broken from the time it was born as an idea. They should give DH tanks nearly unlimited uptime on meta next!

DRW should not have that level of uptime. Imagine how bad DK is going to feel to play once the set no longer exists.


Why did people cry about Guardian druid?

It’s okay BDKs, take the nerfs and hold your heads up.

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I agree, but I believe that’s something that should’ve been changed during the testing phase. If it’s made out of there in its current state, the only sensible way of going about it is capping the amount of strength it increases or putting an internal cooldown on the parry/Heart Strike interaction like what happened to the Prot Pala tier set.

And I believe the same treatment should happen to all classes. They can’t just play favorites and do this for Destruction and Survival and forget about other classes/specs.

I often question their testers for this stuff considering the vicious nature of their nerfs and how they leave extreme outliers on top and bottom for whole tiers consistently. It took them 3 months to catch BDK are broken. That tells me they haven’t been paying attention, which means they definitely weren’t paying much attention during pre patch.

It’s weird because I think if they hired a few of these top players from each class/spec archetype they could probably get this squared away. People who are good at the class rather than some dev who has likely never touched it. Any BDK worth their salt saw this set was broken the moment it was implemented. I know I saw it and I’m no world 1 player.

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Blizzard very clearly dislikes DK. I’m not sure if yall have noticed it.

Anytime DK is S tier, Blizzard nerfs it immediately.


Because they nerfed the wrong thing. They nerfed their survivability instead of their damage. They will be unplayable in high-end content.

As to your answer OP, it’s because you play a DK. Every time we perform well we have to be gutted. Honestly shocked that they are letting Frost be pretty decent right now instead of dumpstering us again like they did the first half of this expansion.


BDK dominated legion and I think they are cautious about not allowing that to happen again. Ditto with warriors in BFA, and they’ve been meh to okay this expansion to flat bad sometimes. I remember when prot paladins had massive gaps in their mitigation and would fall flat over for a few years. They are doing decently enough now, even if they aren’t meta.

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Yeah, I know, I probably blew it :pensive:

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That’s the thing. I’m not even talking about just blood. They shat all over unholy very early into SL. Frost has been pretty garbo the entire expansion until now. I know frost was pretty good in Nyalotha yeah?


We were slated to be very good on 9.0 with the return of 2-handers and then the night before pre-patch dropped they absolutely demolished us in terms of damage. But don’t worry, we got to have fun with a season one full of Boomkins

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Im curious if there’s actually any Blood DK players that genuinely didn’t see it coming?


I did that’s why I went bear this season; I was foiled though and got nerfed first. :rofl: :rofl:

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Almost had the 4 piece on my dk rip.

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Same reason Demonology was nerfed in WoD.

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The trick is to go with the third best tank going into a season. By mid season you’ll be meta.


Nah if you wanna tank go Brewmaster. It’s their turn, clearly.