BDK nerfs. why?

So you completely gut a class with nerfing its survivability instead of damage, but you allow classes like warlock and survival hunter to roam around. The nerf to both could be aura nerfs and or just stragiht ability nerfs its not hard. this is why no1 wants to tank becasue once its fun and u do damage your gutted

EDIT: if your gonna nerf BDK might aswell nerf paladin they will just take their spot


Why so salty when your overperforming? Warlocks and survival hunters don’t tank.


I also mad at blood DK nerf and I don’t even have set. :angry:


There were ways to take blood down from S to A tier instead of taking them from S to D tier (which is what my guilds blood DK tells me they did).

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awesome! now buff us

The nerfs are stupid. They make no sense at all. Let’s take a tank spec that’s performing well and make it unviable for high end mythic+.

Woo, brain cell utilization!!!

Prior to tier sets, DK was not a tank that you’d bring to pug m+ due to the spikey health pool. Now, you won’t again.

The correct change would have been to cap the strength from DRW while increasing the threat from blood boil.



Are BDKs mad that they went from soloing +20s to soloing +19s?


Meh, the BDK nerfs are extreme.

Blood DK was overperforming in the damage department solely because of the set bonus, and has historically been the most healer-independent tank spec even without this set bonus. That said, with these nerfs the spec is dead dead dead in high keys, and you completely change how you gear after these nerfs.

This is far too extreme of a nerf for several months into the tier, and now this just makes Brewmaster Monk the uncontested best raid tank and Vengeance DH the best M+ tank by an even more obscene margin than it was in Season 1.


They wont be D tier they just go from unkillable to on par with the other specs. This wont effect 98% the playerbase anways. Looks like BDKs were doing 29’s in s2 before 4set was a thing so think theyll be ok


Upgrade to monk :smiley:


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Actually, these nerfs have an even more extreme impact for that 98% of the playerbase than they have on the 2% you’re specifically talking about. The spec if played near-perfectly loses 30% of its survivability (not good) and upwards of 3k DPS (the part that needed to be addressed), but for players who aren’t good at maximizing their DRW uptime it’s over double that effect.

This nerf punishes everyone who plays Blood DK extremely hard because of what a couple dozen Blood DKs have been able to do with this frankly-absurd set bonus alongside the even more ludicrous Jailer weapon. This sort of crappy balancing is why the Legion/BFA version of Shadow Priest was so despised by so many players (if it’s balanced at the top end it’s trash for most players, and if it’s balanced around average play it’s broken in the hands of competent players), and it’s a design I was hoping was completely dead.


Look buzz. Wannabe game developers everywhere

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Still no tank should be unkillable in high endgame content they were unkillable. Think they should of nerfed their survivablity bit differently however. Perhaps cap Parry at like 30-40% decrease the defensiveness of DWR abit or lower healing value of Deathstrike small bit to compensate

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Bad news, then: most tanks are pretty much unkillable in high-end content outside of literal one-shot mechanics, and this has been the case since 9.0.5 fixed tanking after most tanks were made of literal paper.


Because the Blood DKs made the higher ups look like clowns at the MDI.


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So you are one of those players who can only play the game if your class is FoTM?

Well your gear isnt that good anyways so I dont think a nerf would effect you much.




Because Blizz wants other hero classes to shine. All they know how to do is nerf stuff and not buff things now day. Remove fun without adding new fun in or replacing it.

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FOTM players always call foul when their busted fun is spoiled. Always followed with huge whataboutism. PROT WARRIORS DOMINATED ALL OF BFA PATCH XYZ!!!

Granted, Blizzard are a little heavy handed with the nerfs in general, I still find it fun to see the mass waves of rerolls happen from the people who cannot fathom “playing anything but the best”

Remember, it’s not about fun. It’s about being better than everyone else!! What’s fun in playing the class you like most if you’re not better than everyone?!