Classes and Item Tuning Incoming - May 3

It’s good ST and… nothing more, really.

Granted, it’s VERY good in single-target, but its AoE rotation is absolutely abysmal and is cited as one of the reasons why, to some, the SL rework of the spec is a total failure.

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I’d expect to also, it just seems odd that they would bother with some changes mid MDI but deliberately ignore others.
Large WW buffs for example seem like they could possibly affect MDI balance alongside Survival being so dominant.

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Good start, but Arms needs a lot of help… particularly in PvP. It’s hot garage there.

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Frost and arcane mage buffs when?


How about 350% instead of 66% healing proc on 4 piece brewmaster set!

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I don’t even know how to start to describe what this nerf is.
First, they developed this tier bonus and have never considered how much the damage output from a blood DK could scale. And we aren’t even 3 months into the season.

Now the Nerf does not only affects the damage output, which doesn’t really address the problem (the strength bonus stacking). The bonus should’ve been capped to limit the damage output.

Now, reducing the 2p bonus from 0.5 to 0.33 will reduce roughly 30% DRW uptime. That will probably reduce the damage output but at same time it knocks Blood DKs to the bottom, and we’re suddenly back to season 1. If this change is not reverted until you can actually come up with a more proper nerf to address the damage output (cap the Endless Rune Waltz stack from the 2p tier) without drastically reducing the survivability (and at same time, the viability) of the Blood DK, I believe that you’ll start seeing a huge reduction of Blood DKs in high keys (and guilds raiding Mythic right now having to gear another tank to replace their Blood DK they invested so hard).


If you do high keys, you’ll feel it.
Bear is so weak on high keys after nerf after two nerfs.

Why has destruction not been nerfed yet? Is this another 9.1.5 WW situation where yall just ignore a blatantly overpowered spec for a patch??

Unholy needs more buffs.

APRIL 18, 2022

  • Warlock
    • Destruction
      • [With realm restarts] Inferno (Talent) now has a reduced chance for Rain of Fire to generate Soul Shard Fragments when it deals damage beyond 5 targets.

Developer Note: With this week’s weekly maintenance, we’re reducing the damage of Survival Hunters and Destruction Warlocks against high target counts. In both cases, we were very deliberate in making changes that would not affect either spec below 5 or 8 targets. We were seeing situations where these specs had become dominant due to builds that emerged from 9.2. In the case of Survival Hunters, we still feel that the Wildfire Cluster will serve as an excellent Legendary choice in AoE situations but we are throttling its damage in a manner similar to other AOE abilities. For Destruction, we are focusing on the synergy between Inferno and Rain of Fire that leads to a dramatic increase in damage with target count due to resource generation.

I thought they were nerfed already.


Yeah but they still destroy keys. I’m not even upset really. I just don’t understand how they make tuning decisions.

I’m not well versed in BDK but I saw it was meta and that kinda excited me. Was about to gear one but now idk. I’m sure it’ll be perfectly fine for the level of keys I’m doing so whatever.

Havoc would like a word.

Venthyr Covenant ability doing all of our damage in raid and keys is honestly ridiculous. Havoc tuned so poorly it can’t stand on it’s own two feet, we have to rely on a covenant ability for damage.

Tier set: 4pc tier bonus does NOTHING for the the spec. 30 seconds off a 4 minute CD (our only cd mind you, unlike unholy DK that has 2 other cooldowns with their 4 minute CD that’s actually impactful)


Forcing Havoc to not press abilities because of a talent choice is poor game design, we already lack buttons to press.

Havoc feels absolutely terrible to play right now, spamming one button is not engaging gameplay.


I accidentally chose this Trash Trinket has been changed to Vendor Trash Trinket

Been thinking a bit about these nerfs and IMO the BDK nerfs are extremely unreasonable.

The spec’s damage is absolutely far, far, FAR too high in its current state, but these nerfs also completely gut the spec’s survivability in high keys (where they’re finally viable for the first time in a while) as well as on bosses where they’re almost exclusively one of the two top tanks for. A better nerf would be just nerfing the Strength buff from the 4pc, rather than the current nerf that completely neuters the spec’s survivability.


Jejus they buffed arms again?.

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Great now both specs will be about equally bad. Still brought more for the buff than damage output.

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Haha to be fair it’s just the normal tier set with the off pieces hidden.

After the last set of buffs we’re not actually too bad off as Ret, the main issue is reliance on the tier set and having external buffs like Windfury to make it more effective.

Of course none of that actually accounts for the fact the class is still severely limited without it, and still falls well behind all other classes in terms of actual raid utility.
Even with 4pc we’re not really wanted for M+ still.

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This is why they should have kept the PvP profiles from Legion. A lot easier to balance when you dont have to balance PvP and PvE at the same time.

The blood nerf is extremely unreasonable this late into the tier. I thought Ion said they were not planning on making any major nerfs/buffs that would shake up the rankings mid-tier. A 30% defensive AND offensive nerf puts blood pretty much at the bottom.

Dumb decisions like this cause people to quit the game.


I get what you’re telling me, I’m just talking about doing stuff like questing in ZM, dungeons (like not M+ but normal and heroics) things like that.

It just feels like we’re gimped. I’m sure its better if we have Tier, but some of us just don’t raid anymore and for me personally, I’d like it if the activities I do, didn’t feel so RNG reliant. It’s like you get big crits on one mob, then hit like a wet noodle on the next 3, and I don’t know about you, but like the Mobs in ZM hit for a ton, and I don’t remember having to pop CD’s like the Bubble and Lay on Hands as much as I do now when questing in other parts of SL.

My TLDR is that Ret still feels very RNG without the tier sets, and it sucks for non raiders who don’t have tier.

Ret buffs when? Literally bottom of the barrel still in AoE and ST outside of it’s burst.