BC WIthout The Level Changes

I get your perspective. You want another museum piece. That’s one vote for no on my ideas. I’d rather you had better arguments though, since #nochanges is only intended to silence opposing arguments rather than advance the conversation.

How about we let Classic be Classic, and then have another game that the community together decides is a better game. I am not saying my ideas will make a better game. I am only saying “I think” it will make a better game, and these are my reasons why. Lets talk about it point by point instead of trying to cover each others mouths when we have dissenting opinions.

This is supposition, not fact. The only fact is, conversations about this are constantly shut down. That is not consensus, it is cyber bullying, even if in a minor way.

TBC needs to have #nochanges. It will have level 70 level cap just like it had when it first came out.


I’m not trying to reach the “entire community,” nor did I suggest that was my intent. You are reading past my words. I meant, “the community that is talking about it” obviously.

Classic forrreeevvver. Dump BC in the garbage can.

Very well, all that aside…the fact still stands that everyone who is currently discussing this with you are all telling you in no uncertain terms that they do NOT want any of your ideas and want TBC as is UNTOUCHED

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I don’t see the classic team making dramatic changes to BC content should TBC servers be announced. It’s just an enormous risk they have no good reason to take.

The entire purpose of Classic is to play it safe giving people content “as it was”. People don’t want Blizzard to take responsibility for changing any element of it. A large portion of the playerbase coming back for Classic wouldn’t trust Blizzard to do it.

So why spend development resources on dramatically rebalancing and adjusting the content and risk pissing people off by not being authentic when they could just… not?


Cool…stay on classic then. I’ll be moving on to TBC when it releases.

You do you

Sometimes they are. By side grades I meant ilvl (I was explicit about this). For instance, some gear in AQ40 was better than some Naxx gear despite Naxx gear being higher ilvl. This is what I meant by “side grade.” Not a literal lack of improvement, but a lack of ilvl increase. Besides, I didn’t suggest “no progression” in ilvl. I was instead looking at the world as a whole. Anyone with full Naxx gear probably won’t care too much about tackling a tier 2.0 equivalent Karazhan, but the vast majority of people will likely not be in full Naxx gear in two years, especially not on all their toons. There will be plenty of people to enjoy it for a long time, especially if the other gear doesn’t increase by so much as to make it obsolete.

We had 2.5 gear in AQ40 and 3.0 gear in Naxx. No one didn’t do Naxx because they had gear that was only a few ilvls less. NO ONE. the average difference between the two was about 5 ilvls. Obviously such small upgrades are a sufficiently large carrot.


A. There are many people who think TBC IS the better game.

B. If you poll everyone, they’ll have a thousand ways to make Classic a better game too. Heck, I have a few.

And the end result wouldn’t be a better game at all. It would end up being garbage, because we’d be totally screwing up the design and intent of the game. Have you ever taken apart a broken electronic device, or a clock or something, and thought “I can fix this and then put it back together”? Yeah, don’t do that to either Classic or TBC.

I can see the appeal in wanting to see an experiment like level 60 TBC content, but it wouldn’t have nearly enough support from the community, especially when there’s already enough support of having regular TBC servers after Classic’s phases are finished.

If you want an idea on the kind of “experimental” content Blizzard’s currently capable of, look no further than BFA. I shudder to think of the balancing with level 60 TBC. That might be a bit of an extreme example, but you get what I’m saying.

Level 70 TBC is a safe bet, especially since its launch can be easily monetized. Level 60 TBC is extremely unlikely to happen. Classic+ (at least for content that was originally intended for Classic but never introduced into the game, such as Azshara Crater) is a long shot but, in my honest opinion, possible in the distant future.

LOL ilvl…Only on retail does ilvl matter. In Classic…stats>ilvl always. So yes if the stats are better of course those gear pieces will be favored over the others.

And Naxx is a horrible example for you to use to justify your argument since TBC was released too soon after the opening of Naxx before most guilds could fully clear it

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Actually, the reason we got Classic as it was was because of community consensus. We had to discuss it. They were willing to do what the community wanted. It had nothing to do with “taking risks” or not.

It depends on what we want. Why don’t you address my points, see if any of them make sense (or don’t), then let me know why. Lets have a conversation about it.

Are you… trying to prove my point? If you don’t understand that this is part of the motivation for what I am saying, you are not actually reading what I am saying.

This is supposition. Lets talk about it.

I am talking about a community driven development through discussion. This has NOTHING to do with BfA. They ASKED us to discuss it in their answer to the question on this topic!

Scroll up and reread my post. You replied before I was finished editing

The constant hamster wheel progression of each expac that nullified previous efforts and the constant change up of talents/abilities is the main gripe with me of WoW’s history. The reason I resubbed is because Classic is offering a static world. Where your past efforts will remain worthy and you can play/explore all the other aspects of the game without feeling the need to chase the carrot forever and bean count.

Yes. A thousand times. I always made it work again, even when it was not working in the first place. That is likely why I became a software engineer, and now a research scientist and engineer.

This may be an odd question, but if you wanted to keep the Classic content relevant wouldn’t it make more sense to raise the content of Classic raids UP to 70 rather than try and squeeze all of BC content DOWN into 50-60…?

Well the community isn’t a bunch of game designers, so I’m positive the clock wouldn’t be “fixed,” it would just be hosed. But kudos for pretending you didn’t understand my point.

Bottom line is that I will want TBC, not some Franken-Xpac. I intensely dislike your idea and would not continue to sub for it.

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This in no way addresses, much less negates my argument. People wanted to do Naxx despite the lack of large ilvl increase (low power creep). But that is not the only example. People wanted to do AQ40 despite it being only the same increase over tier 2.0 gear. Ulduar is considered one of the best raids ever and yet the 10 man version was only 6 ilvls higher than WotLK Naxx loot, the 25 man version was only 7 ilvls above that. These small power creep raids were extremely popular. I suggest one of the reasons for that was the small ilvl increase. Gear feels more rewarding when it doesn’t make stuff you worked hard for completely obsolete.