BC servers MUST have enforced faction balance

definitly true, people tend to play edgy and brutal looking races, reason blood elves are super popular cause they very close to anime boys and girls in anime, even looking at view players in retail, you can see them in skimpy mogs and very little care about looking ugly at all

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So I guess the question is, should it be more about the people willing to play the game regardless of faction and let the others just move on to whatever - or should it be about accommodating everyone - or maybe there’s a middle ground, faction specific queues on PvP servers and none on PvE servers.

I might be totally misremembering - but didn’t Vanilla have way more PvE servers than PvP servers by comparison to Classic?

The blood elves were added to fix the original population balance, which saw the Horde as the minority faction and by quite a noticeable amount. Evidently, when ignoring min/maxing, the Alliance were by far the preferred faction. Taking into account min/maxing, which is what people largely have done in Classic, the Horde are by far the preferred faction for PvP - and PvE is largely irrelevant, as the strengths Alliance have are not necessary.

Blizzard needs to step in and fix this population balance issue before Classic TBC hits. If they open up new servers, restrictions on created characters is really one of the only ways to ensure the Alliance isn’t virtually dead.

A lot of people aren’t gonna be allowed to play in general if that’s the case


Depends on if they also try and fix other glaring issues, like the discrepancy in Ally vs. Horde Paladin seals and Horde racials.

At the end of day, will this TBC Redux be ultimately a colossal failure in terms of PvP? I’ve been Horde for going on 3 years, but if there’s no endgame PvP on the other side what’s the point?

Arenas don’t care about faction balance, but BGs and world PvP will be incredibly one sided.

Tell the carebears to roll pve where they belong. Balance will take care of itself if the carebears stay off pvp servers.

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Odd… one of us rolled the EZ mode PvP faction with built in advantages, and the other rolled Alliance. Which of us is the carebear…?


Is this fair to translate as Horde stay on PvP and Ally go PvE? Don’t you want world PvP?

If you’re on a pvp server, don’t engage the pvp, and whine about balance when the pvp happens on a pvp server you’re a carebear. Carebears on both sides lady, but…one of us rolled the side with the heart to fight and you rolled alliance.

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Negative. Carebears are on both sides and truth be told there’s probably more Horde carebears than alliance. They just hide better on Horde side cuz more allies try to avoid the pvp.
If those Horde carebears were put in a situation in wpvp where they couldn’t hide behind the zerg they too would be crying about the pvp happening on pvp servers.

they sure did, even in wow retail in tbc, people aren’t hardcore pvp players, when people complain of needing legacy servers and miss old world pvp, that is why wow classic has alot pvp servers atm, not all rp servers either cause wow classic fans don’t really care about role play and real role players tend to stay in retail cause role play friendly environment and transmogging

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Yeah, no… the reason the top PvPers rolled Horde was the inherent advantages to being a Horde race gives you. Same with Alliance for PvE. The reason people complain about the faction balance is that it’s going to get much worse once TBC hits, because the Alliance doesn’t even have the PvE advantages anymore.

Haven’t you noticed you have long queues? There’s a distinct lack of PvP-inclined Alliance players for a very big reason.

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Sadly will never happen, unless we can get transmog wardrobe in tbc and in classic, but #nochanges will say other wise . . . .


Yee, I had not considered that aspect. I am still firmly of the belief that people rolled on PvP servers while being completely PvE minded - and continue to remain on horribly imbalanced servers because they don’t have to do any form of PvP.

It is crazy to me that Vanilla had an almost even split of PvE and PvP servers but Classic has only 9 PvE servers and 23 PvP servers.

totally true, plus even with the whole old talent tree being “customizable”, but min max made community go cookie cutter mode and leveling isn’t challenging dispite commercials stats other wise, just slow and grindy, only tough quests are elite mob, dungeon quests or there is pack of mobs in tunnel that spawn really fast and are stupid to deal with alone, that is why there are alot level 60 more then lowbies, hard to find healers or tanks to do dungeons as meta with mage cleave killed grouping up in old dungeon grouping

that being 1 tank, 3 dps and 1 healer

I agree, my friends and I already have plans to reroll to horde once they get paladins.

Yep yep, the instance boosting meta is toxic for many reasons - but I think Blizzard would do well to address it in some way as it is pushing new players to Classic away from the game, however few that may be.

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not even just Blizzard, even youtubers and streamers encourage people to follow meta or get exiled and play retail if they complain about their spec isn’t viable or not playing certain for what ever reason, like how asmongold said raids are easy af and yet bashes Mcconnell for being Ret paladin and not re role as Holy paladin, Classic has failed long term regardless, succeed in first 2 months, but fails to satisfied in long run and yet i get called Blizzard shill for pointing it out and get blocked on twitter or i get reported for trolling