forum format

I just deleted this character on Moon Guard.


Go get it. I’m done with it.

Dang, was going to post on my classic DK to show how the classic toons are displayed, but it seems Blizzard remvoed the classic tag. This makes it harder to tell who is posting on a classic toon, and who just may not have played a character for a while.

This is what happens when changes are made based on misconstrued arguments like thinking people have issues with alt hopping when it is the reasons alt hopping are used we object to.

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Okay, against my better judgment, I have a question that I already know is extremely unilkely to get an answer…

How does your convoluted fever dream of a scenario that, even if it did happen, would be an extreme outlier have anything to do with Btags being shown on the forums? Like, when does the forum Btag even enter into it?

In your theoretical scenario, someone wants to stalk you. So, they contact you as an unknown person on their second account…what, on the forums? In game? It would have to be by your character information, because they can’t contact you over Bnet except to send you a friend request that as far as you know is from a random person you’ve never spoken with.

At what point does the forum-displayed Btag even play a factor?

And again, how is that related to Btags being shown on the forums?

A ‘bad person’ can’t do anything with your Btag if they know it and you don’t accept their friend request. Not one single thing. They can’t track you through it, they can’t send you messages through it. Even in a scenario where Btags are displayed on the forum, if you never post with the alts that you don’t want people who know your Btag to know about to the forums, they can’t find your alts through it.

It doesn’t matter how malicious their intent is. It doesn’t matter what they intend to do. Having someone’s Btag and wanting to harass them through it even if you’re seething with bad intent in everything that you do is like bringing a plastic butterknife to carve a diamond. There’s nothing you can do with it.


This is something i will not support.

This will do nothing but bring needless drama.

I support this more.

The only times i recreated threads is when it dies. I don’t like necroing old threads.

I am more concerned with alt flag abuse honestly.

Keep waiting grammar police.

My problem with that, as what other posters already said, is it effects the rp forums. I much prefer the examples of linking what toon you want to represent under the b-tag name. This way your user name is the b-tag, not your toons name, as that just serves as a picture and a forum “title” (think like mmo-champ titles)

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Spring Winter WTF .

I’m in first summer next month we start our 4 month FML season where every day is between 105F/40.5c to 110 +F/43.33 +c

Where I live looks like Durotar with asphalt and concrete


So you want to polarize this community further by rewarding yes-men and punishing any dissent.

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This made my eyes roll so hard that I think I need an old priest and a young priest to fix me.


And since that time the Blue has said this

The following can be found in the above link
With that said, I can tell you we’re already very much aware of the limitations of the current version of the forums and we want to update them. That isn’t as easily said as done though and “revamping” aesthetics is not at all similar to back-end functionality that was built into these forums which essentially needs to be rebuilt to accommodate new functionality.


When they have repeatedly posted the same misinformation after being shown facts with links to Blizzard that show otherwise and have never shown any proveable facts themselves then yes they are trolling.


In other words for simply having an opinion that doesn’t match yours they’re trolls.

One poster who was in the disagreeing side that was said to be okay but when they said again why they didn’t want it you called them stupid and a troll. So how does that make you look, big guy? Keep up with the face shoving, insults and this topic will be deleted and you’ll earn a vacation. Hilarious you can’t see that you all are the reasons these topics get nuked.

You mean calling someone intentionally daft and repeating the same disinformation that has been repeatedly debunked with actual facts that can be linked to blizzard.

I don’t think they are stupid . I think they are purposefully playing dumb and by repeating things they know are not true and have proved to not be true just confirms it.

And if I have said anything that would qualify me for a vaction I would of gotten it already between the time I posted and the time I got back on after work today .


I think you don’t understand what an opinion is and I shall paste the definition o·pin·ion


noun: opinion; plural noun: opinions

  1. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. of the word for you.

Trolling -
What is meant by trolling someone?

Trolling is when someone post or comments online to deliberately upset others.

Can you see the difference? You and your buddies jumping on people on opinions are actually the real trolls here. Or is someone telling you they do not want the tags upsetting to you so it is deemed trolling? I guess so. This is gold LMAO.


You know what would fix these alleged “false flags”? B-tags on the forums. No longer could people “false flag” from multiple characters on the same WoW account. We’d be limited in the number of flags available.

I look forward to a day when Blizz brings the WoW forums in line with the rest of the forums that benefit from b-tags.


I just don’t like the idea of btags is an opinion .
Repeatedly saying certain things over and over again even after facts have been shown to prove those things wrong and once again facts with Blizzard links is not an opinion . That is trolling.

Or are you one of those that considers facts/truth as hate speech ?


Folks, stop taking the crab bait.

Many of these posts are very accurate examples of why a Battletag/single ID forum structure is needed. The Mods see that. Account wide Ignore is a fantastic example of a benefit of having the forum account set up like the rest of the Blizzard forums.


This toon is 80 but has a very outdated armoury it shows wrong gear and wrong gear.

Glad to see this thread is going the exact way I predicted

You also don’t like any other suggestions either. What else don’t you like that doesn’t fit your narratives?


I have avoided ever reporting a single post with more than one character. I only switch if I am out of flags on my main posting char, but other new posts or threads need reporting. Usually if that happens it means several people are running amok and fishing for a ban on purpose to cause a lot of disruption.

Yes. Most definitely. The mods have to guess based on the report category what is going on, and without context it is difficult.