Battlenet constantly updating

It’s not that they haven’t replied, or that it’s been three months. For me, and I’m sure others, It’s been happening for all of BfA, so two years. Also, when Blizzard did post, they flat out denied it was happening, you can see that above.

I’ve had this problem for a long while but for me it is Warcraft III reforged that keeps getting an update every time I open battlenet…

There was a bandaid fix on wow itself where wow repairs permissions on launch/exit since team never bothered to fix it themselves. which is why problem still exists in other games.

It’s a shame when one team has to put in a hack to fix another teams bug because they won’t fix it themselves.

im getting this also when i dont even touch the game and im only signed in on battlenet. i just sign out to get it to stop or it just constantly keeps trying to update lol.

Still hasn’t been fixed…

In fact, it seems to be more frequent now for me ever since I switched over to the new launcher.

I am having the same problem with both Classic and Retail at the same time every time I launch the app. Not the end of the world, but mildly infuriating and not a good look for trusting the devs’ attention to detail.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) 2.7GHz 12-Core Intel Xeon E5
Dual AMD FirePro D700 6GB
MacOS 10.14.6 “Mojave”
Wow Classic, Wow Retail installed in the default locations. Shadowlands Beta installed but no longer used. Going to try uninstalling SL Beta to see if that makes a difference.

It still happens for me regularly. I’ve given up trying to fix it. I just launch bnet about 30 minutes before I want to play and wait for it to cycle through.

I turned off auto update, it still happened for a bit but for some reason it went away after a while. I still have auto-update off, I like that better.

It is widespread, but not everyone has reported the issue. Its driving me nuts!


for me every time i update an addon the fake updates come back.

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glad to see i’m not the only one. I haven’t looked at retail if I have this issue since I don’t play retail but this goes on every single time I open the launcher for TBC Classic as well as after I exit the game also. so annoying >.<


Yeah this bug has been on and off for quite a while now. Lately (for me) I noticed that it will “update” anytime I update an addon. So it seems to me that the Bnet client detects changes to the addon folder, and decides on going Thru the entire update procedure, for no logical reason. There’s a screw loose in there somewhere. Then, this morning, my laptop install decided to redownload a large portion of the game! (When I first saw it doing this, it showed that it had 60gb+ to download. Don’t tell me that is normal, cause we know
It isn’t.

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I haven’t posted here for a bit, but this started becoming a problem again for me after the 9.1 Patch. There are three locations I’m finding are creating constant updates - the file that is being set to wrong permissions (yes, again. application gets fixed for some time, then it starts screwing up again). If you are using the Curseforge application from Overwolf, it is leaving a file .curseclient after it is run that has the wrong permissions, and triggers an update cycle as well. Finally, SOME updates will download with incorrect permissions, and that will trigger an update cycle as well. These three commands will fix the issues if run just before you start the app:

chmod 777 "/Applications/World of Warcraft/"
chmod 777 "/Applications/World of Warcraft/_retail_/.curseclient"
find "/Applications/World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/AddOns" -type f -exec chmod 777 {} +

It would be better if you added them to your crontab and ran them every minute or so - directions in one of the posts above.

*Note: “Wrong permissions” means the file is not being set to permissions rwxrwxrwx (777). Any time the application finds a file with “wrong” permissions, it triggers a full update sequence. Honestly, it would be better if Blizzard didn’t code the application to be so oddly picky, but this is the reality that we are dealing with right now.

I hope this is helpful to somebody. If it doesn’t work for you, sorry - just sharing what I’ve worked out on my own system, and what I know is working for me.

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It was never fixed btw. team doesn’t care about this issue or they would have fixed it YEARs ago (issue goes back way further than this thread). It was bandaid fixed by wow app itself in that the wow app would repair permissions screwed up because a designer on THAT team cared. Far as I know that fix was only pushed to retail and classic and TBC don’t do that, so if you play any of those you may be seeing be messed up after

Or maybe at some point the fix in retail was broken/removed since having a mac specific fix in an app to fix ANOTHER teams bug might have been frowned upon? can’t say there.

heh yeah, still have auto update turned off, still happy with that choice

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Just adding that I reached out to contacts at overwolf and they will fix their end of problem at least. We’ll probably still be fixing the blizzard end of it until the end of wow though. Been dealing with it for years already

Why do I feel like Blizzard is just abandoning us Mac users? Or did they lose the good Mac coders due to career change/churn?


This thing where it updates every time you quit the game is still happening. Been happening for years. Fixing permissions on the WOW dir or any file does not reliably prevent it from happening again. Doing a Repair doesn’t fix it. Deleting the game and redownloading (a process which takes literally 2-3 days for TBCC on rural internet, even worse for retail) doesn’t fix it.

Not really expecting Mac support to continue, especially when I’m staring at an ad for D2 remastered in the Mac Bnet client despite that game not being supported on mac (when the original was, a dead horse that I will continue to beat forever because Blizz going from a mac-first company to a mac-sideproject-for-just-a-couple-games is incredibly disappointing. i don’t care what the excuses are about Metal or CPUs.)


Its not just mac so you are not alone :cry: It has been a Win 10 issues for years too! Happens to me every month but then it fixes itself after some time (days or weeks) later.

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The update supposedly fixing their end of issue went out last night. In theory, addon updates should no longer trigger it, just blizzards end now.