I tried that, then re-booted and same problem.
Didn’t read through all the responses but maybe just turn battle net off for a bit and start the game the old fashion way by running it out of your explorer files or the desktop icon if you have it up.
Hey it’s been a week, and I’ve resorted to just leaving a client open at all times to stop it from update looping. What’s going on here.
6 hours left till SoM launch, is the problem fixed yet ?
Anyone else notice that after the update loop started happening, when you first go to the character select screen (after you officially login) it takes a good 30 seconds to pull up the character you want? And once that’s done, you log in normally at the speed you expect?
For me it’s either a black screen for that period of time, with faint outlines of the buttons like the server name, etc or the character that is currently highlighted freezes when selecting a different character.
i put all downloads on pause. not a fix nut it works for now
Stuck on “Scanning” to repair. I can’t even install the game, I literally can’t play anything. I’ve reinstalled battle.net several times, and trying to reinstall the game made things infinitely worse. It says it needs to update, when there’s no game at all, and when I try to install it gets an error and says “give it another go”.
I can’t believe this is not fixed yet. It was hosed all weekend and worked last week, can they just revert the change they did last last week?
The game was basically unplayable earlier this week because of the update loop, and now I cannot log into any WoW games because the Launch button turned into an Update button that never updates.
This is totally unacceptable. Has this really been going on for 5 days and it is still not fixed, in fact it is worse? How many players are unable to access this game, and how much time have we collectively paid for that this system has been unavailable?
Thanksgiving is next week, the 25th, not this week. At least in the US. You made me think I lost a week.
Oh, right! My bad! Well, hopefully then they will be able to get it fixed SOON!
Hey Bliz-
I swear if this isn’t patched and you push out a new patch …
You’re going to lose a customer that has been w/you for 15+ years. I’m STILL able to launch the game but until I see something posted here from Blizzard I won’t be trying bnet out, ever. Blahblah I restarted my PC, and I can load the game through the EXE file, but if I was one of these poor fools that couldn’t launch the game, I would’ve cancelled my sub then and there. Get your stuff together, Bliz.
Any news on this update loop? Quite annoying to get the game update running every time I launch, exit, or try to play another game.
Hey I uninstalled all WOW PTR’s and beta versions a couple hours ago and no updates so far. Something easy to try.
This is ridiculous. Been having the same issue here for like a week now on the beta battlenet app client.
I have had no updates after uninstalling beta and PTR versions. Been almost 3 hours now.
I uninstalled the retail version and that must have screwed something up because now I can’t do the workaround by loading the Classic client directly. It says the installation is damaged and needs repaired. I finally have the chance to experience a “classic” launch this time around (didn’t play during vanilla launch and missed classic launch due to life) but looks like I’ll be waiting til next year if we get another season. Hoping a fix comes soon!
This is totally,weird,bro can’t get into the game at all says somethings broke and keeps resetting to BCC he doesn’t have BCC at all.
Looks like I don’t have the issue anymore, how about you guys?
I am still having this issue…seems like the fix worked for most but not everyone?