Battleground Queue Time and Honor Grind

The battleground queue times playing alliance are long wait times and this greatly impacts the pace in which an individual can earn enough honor to grind up to rank 14.

For an individual who works full-time, and with the current queue time and amount of honor one earns in a battleground it is near impossible to rank up to Rank 14.

I personally would like to see Blizzard improve the queue time, increase honor earned in battlegrounds.

I am interested to hear other opinions that can be shared with the Blizzard dev team.

Its only going to get worst once SOD comes out. The only thing blizzard can do is implement a faction vs same faction queue. But, since its not the horde crying they wont do anything.

GG. I got my r13 on my hunter. Im happy… =)

It’s still very possible to reach 500,000 honor per week.

Just quit your job.

I did 10/15k honor on Tues/Wed/Thur/Fri and played 12+ hours on Sat/Sun (over 150k honor) and cleaned up the rest on Monday. Getting 500k is not easy for a full time worker. lol

Hopefully more people start to queue all 3 bgs, but it still work make it as easy as it was when 1.14 first released and AV was almost always available.

If it gets too difficult perhaps we we will get 1.16 in which the brackets are a system in which the honor required for each bracket is based on the honor gotten by other players on your faction.

It was fun getting some WSG to pop this weekend. I’m glad I got my rank before SoD came out. It’s going to be terrible to push for rank come Nov30. At least for 3 to 6 months. lol

Yes this is my point. The honor required to achieve rank 14 should be fluid. I don’t know how blizzard could do this but just like that post above, it will be impossible to rank to 14 during SOD if the ranker has a full time job.

Grats on getting to your R13 goal!

Blizzard probably will need to lower the amount of honor required (it’s “really” 413k. right?). Will they? Who knows.

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Not even raiding is this time consuming. Ranking to 14 shouldn’t require anyone to spend 12+ hours on their weekend.

Thanks. =) It’s all I wanted and its great that I can actually push to r14 at a later date if I choose too.

I thought they will drop it but who knows. They do need to consider same faction bgs… cuz the same problem that happen to the horde in TBC is happening to alliance in Era.

There is a fine line cuz it shouldn’t be super easy neither. Only reason I had to play 12+ hours on weekends was because I couldn’t play during the week.

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Well before 1.14 ranking to 14 was a goal only people who would / could do that were able to achieve. And it was a lot more than just 12h on the weekends, it was nearly everyday for a month.

With 1.14 it became significantly easier like 1/3 to 1/4 of the commitment compared to ranking in 1.12 but still a climb - especially if the queues are slow.

At this point basically everyone that wanted rank 14 gear has it and it has little prestige left - so they could just remove decay altogether and it would be much easier for people to push rank 13 to 14 even with slow queues.

The sucky thing is that the easier it becomes the worse rank 14 players are - it just takes a long time to become really good at a class and the current system doesn’t really force players to play enough to get to those levels. Also, in 1.12 the community would basically self-select who got the highest brackets and they were rarely bad players.

So idk what is best, but I feel like we may as well just give people the gear so if they are bad, at least they are bad in good gear and it carries them a little bit. Whatever improves the quality and amount of pvp games more I support.

I am willing to bet 1% were good.

Horde had 3 hour AV queues almost all classic vanilla. We didn’t complain about it

The truth is . Anyone who wants to be 14 already is and done. Playerbase is probably 10% what it was when the new ranking system came out.

Play on the popular faction deal with the consequences

In my experience the majority of rankers with top bracket slots were pretty far ahead of the average pvp player.

Especially when the meta was mostly WSG and they were running with a group.

classic vanilla? lol

Anyways… TBC would like to have a word with you and it carried over into Wrath. (or was it in wrath?) I dont remembe when the horde same faction bgs came out. lol

TBC. Because horde literally couldn’t play the game.

At least alliance in era can go world pvp for honor

I dont know… in my experience there were few that were any good at their class but excel in group combat.

My point was… Horde cried about it and Blizzard changed it… I am willing to bet Alliance can cry about their queue times and blizzard wont do a damn thing.

Yes because it’s era… which they’ll never touch like that

TBC was full of changes. Made complete sense.

They would if it were Horde crying. lol