Battleground Queue Time and Honor Grind

Well most of the time having 1v1s in WSG is straight griefing your team.

Nothing is worse than a player who thinks they are good because they kill someone in WSG or had a good k/d ratio when they ended harming their team by killing someone who was just trying to get back to their side of map faster.

Like they kill an OOM priest who will rez and be able to escort the EFC because they are playing with zero brain and think that kills are important, or they put a DOT on an EFC that is sapped / sheeped / rocket helmed with a FAP…

I was still posit a significant majority of rankers that pushed to 14, and were given slot by other rankers, were far better than the average player you will see in a BG (which is a pretty low bar).

A good chunk of them knew how to duel with their class to a good degree too.

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Again… we had 3 hour AV queues all classic and they did nothing about it

How about get good + skill issue?

You had 3 hour queues cuz horde didnt queue for AV. Wasn’t an imbalance issue.

I dont care really. I just want the other bgs to start to pop. =)

mercenary mode fixes queue times.

Because alliance didnt queue you mean. Not our faults we smoked em.

You should reroll Horde for those instant queues.

Suck it up buttercup. Sounds like you aren’t made for R14, it’s ok.

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You aren’t supposed to be able to get rank 14 casually.

If you want rank 14, then grinding honor becomes your full time job.

If you aren’t able to spend this much time on it, then sorry but you don’t deserve to have rank 14 handed to you.

If you play casually, expect casual outcomes.

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Are you serious? Just because someone works they do not deserve to rank up to 14? A person with a full time job can buy gold and purchase Nax gear…

It is possible to rank up to 14 with a full time job if the queues were not so long. Or if blizzard increased the amount of honor earned in a Battleground.

The revamped PVP ranking system is not the problem. The problem is the queue times make it impossible to rank up to 14 without taking time away from work complete the last few ranks.

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There are a few simple ways to fix it. Each of these methods would correct the problem.

  1. Add a scaling bonus to the Battleground based on the Q time. Q’s from 0 to 10mins has zero bonus. Q’s from 10 to 15 mins 1.5X bonus to all points. Q’s from 15 to 20 mins 2X bonus on all points, Q’s from 20 to 30mins 3X bonus, and so on for ever 10 min jump from here out.

  2. Set up a monitoring program to adjust the cap down base on Q’s per the faction based on the Q’s. 500K cap would be the start point for Q’s 0 - 5 mins. The Cap could then be reduced when the weekly total faction specific average moves above 5 min, For example Average Q’s of 6 to 10 min could be something like 400K. (just example numbers)

  3. Mix Horde and Allies into the same teams so when in BG you will be playing with players of both factions. This can open up play opportunities and give everyone who’s single faction only the wake up call that the grass isn’t greener, its just different.

Give it up. R14 is a bonus for sweatlords to speed up gear progression. Casuals can just raid and chill.
Majority of sweatlords already had r14 after week 8. That on top with the population drop for SoD, you will never get r14 as a full time worker.
I gave up on ranking immediately when I knew I had to nolife for at least 3 weeks in a row to get r14. Casuals can never afford that time loss.


I’mma introduce you to this thing called sands :hourglass:

The meta: Queue AV from Ironforge. Immediately fly to Menethil. Take the boat to Theramore. Fly to Cenarion hold, Silithus. Run around mounted until you find a Silithyst Geyser. Pick it up and rejoice at the bright glowing sandstorm which surrounds you. Run the sand into the transponder at the PvP camp. Repeat the sand grab until your queue pops. Realize that you don’t need constant BGs nor short queues in order to have good honor-per-hour. Still quit your job because F that sh.

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Also what Avillager said is true. You should not have any expectation of reaching rank 14 if you are still working a full-time job. There simply isn’t enough hours in the week to do both. That’s how the math plays out, and that’s one of the few things keeping R14 remotely exclusive anymore.

It’s still 3000% simpler than ranking under the original system, so count your blessings and quit your job.

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Back in the day of Vanilla, TBC and Wrath you could play BGs any time of the day and the max queue time you’d face would be about 20 mins. It was brilliant. Sadly these days even with Classic flooded with Retail players it’s nowhere near as good as it was. Ah the memories.

Maybe Blizzard can fix this by having less servers. That would save them money (which we all know is all they care about) and it would make servers busier. Win win IMO.

AV queues during peak hours (roughly between noon and midnight) are routinely under 10 minutes.

If you’re queuing at like 5:30AM, then you’re going to see 25min+ queues.

Plan your waking hours around peak playtime.

Correct. yes. Its a prestigious title. Always has been.

I think I am gonna be sick even thinking about that.

Embrace the sands :hourglass: :hourglass_flowing_sand: :hourglass: :hourglass_flowing_sand: :hourglass: :hourglass_flowing_sand: :hourglass:

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Thank god I don’t need too… R13. I am well aware my avatar is not up to date… but its been this way for months.