I believe the issue lies with epic battlegrounds rather than regular ones.
I have no problem with 5-man family and friend groups in 10v10 or 15v15 regular bgs. In fact, I don’t even think a 10-man queue synchronized premade in a 10v10 regular BG is that bad. If you have 2 or 3 skilled pug players, you can still beat that kind of premade in Warsong Gulch. Even if it’s a loss, it’s usually over quickly, and the chance of seeing that same premade in your next game is slim.
The real issue is in epic bgs, where coordination via discord in a 40 vs 40 game provides such a huge advantage. Pug players end up waiting a long time in a hopeless game, and if they queue again, it’s highly likely they’ll face the same premade again.
Yes, I was talking random BGs not epics. It’s well known that sync queue groups do epics, they are exceptionally rare in regular random BGs. They exist, but you likely won’t even know you’re against one unless you know the other team.
People also invent sync queue groups all the time like “omg there are 8 people from the same server, definitely a sync queue group!” because they have no idea what they’re talking about
That is correct which is why full 40 man premades were banned after what happened in vanilla AV. Full premades can still be defeated by partial premade or a few coordinator players in normal sized BGs.
This is highly unlikely to happen though. If you try to sync two five-mans into a regular random, you’ll be there all night.
The best you could do is have a single five-man and then ask everyone else to solo-sync to a countdown. Doing it this way, you might get a sixth or even a seventh man in there.
I have only truly seen a full synced premade in non-epic randoms once (that I know of) way back in Shadowlands. I knew what they were doing because I saw the same 10-11 players a few times in one night. So I agree with what you’re saying.
I’ve ran into maybe 4 since BFA, most recent was DF and was just a full 10 stack from the same guild in back to back to back games. They lost them all and I never saw any of them again
As a premade player from time to time. The secret is about a group of Five players working with the average players. It is easy to make your team look like a premade with a few simple screen announcements, five players can make a winter grasp win happen in 10 minutes flat all with a little hype, screen announcements and hey please listen up here’s how we play this.
The horde of all are fantastic with this, there are Alliance 5 man (chicks included) that can spin the runs like all of a sudden everyone knows how to play again.
All you need is 5 players and you can premade every run. Oh you don’t think so? That’s exactly why you’re losing the run. Last year not this year I was teaming up with an Australian just the two of us were running premades in korrak. Every game played this year I am just grinding korrak for fast 80’s.
It’s really just that simple a 5 man is all you need and you need to know your 5 man team and the game you’re playing and you can win every game too. It’s that simple.
I’m a 20 year player , I’ve played the Hokey Pokey game for years.
Last night I queued for a Random BG with my GF on her freshly level 80 priest. Got in a BFG, game wasnt going well, glanced at BGE and saw every enemy was from Oceanic serves with 4 from the same server, ok. A couple minutes pass, we are still trying but not making any progress and someone in chat takes the time to type out which of the 10 players were 5 players in the same guild, ok. Everything is kosher so far. Then the talkative player in chat goes on to say he knows the enemies personally and knows they queue sync, ok, no surprise there. Have I beaten teams that I believed queue synced the match? Yup. Do I expect to win when I bring someone with only one piece of pvp gear? Nope. But we did win the Brawl and an EBG right before that? Yes.
ya except there weren’t doing that. He would ask if everyone was ready and then insta queue, no countdown. A silent countdown wouldn’t even work with that many groups. Such silly lies lol
The fact that Blizzard not only does nothing about it or any of the other problems in pvp, look at PvE complete neglect. Its like they have given up on the game, just trying to get as much money from the players as they can while the ship is sinking.
Because they get more money out of 30-40 subscriptions in the premade than the 5-10 people that mass complain about this on these forums over and over again.