Maybe but those 5-10 “complainers” are the people that actually care about the game unlike the 30-40 exploiters that will jump ship the second things don’t go their way.
Few will waste their time on the forums, they know Blizzard does not care. Where you see the real complaints is in player participation, and its falling straight down off a cliff. Youtubers showing the numbers 85% drop in participation since the start of the season. And WW started with less people than the end of Dragonflight. So this is pretty bad.
Players are not dumb, they see the funky matches, they know the game is “rigged” against them, and they take their money to other titles, that appreciate a gamers time more… Path of Exile2 is KILLING it right now!
You make an accusation, burden of proof is on you.
Link the vid.
I’m not linking a video lol you just want an excuse to report.
Oh, the irony lol
Report what?
link the vid
Report for linking unrelated videos. Last time I posted his life it got taken down.
Take 2 second and look up Inemea dk lol
…but it is related. Even if it wasn’t, why would I report you?
Quit being a coward and link the vid.
Because you’re not supposed to link videos in here lol
How is it cowardly to not want to deal with spam reporting again?
Stop being a coward and look it up.
folks do it all the time…nobody cares.
If you’re going to make accusations based on a video you “saw” then link the darn thing or shut it.
Show me one link to YouTube videos lol
You can take 2 second and look it up. You just don’t want to be wrong. Sad honestly
I got a youtube video for ya!
Edit: Make sure to watch it all.
/10 char
I’m never gonna give you up
I’m never gonna let you down
you made the claim…now prove it.
link the vid.
That’s odd, there’s a stickied guide to the forums which says otherwise:
Strange that the forum mods decided that it was worth being stickied, but didn’t plaster “You’re not supposed to do this” all over it.
And didn’t disable the functionality to link actual YouTube videos:
Where did you get your information from?
Or did you just make it up to try to weasel out of your burden?
Yall battleground people are outta control yo all whac out and sheet premades dont exist know im sayin just q and light up
Just check that youtube video I linked. It’s pretty informative!
Even in unranked BGs I seen premades and I’m stuck with pugs who refuse to listen to teammates at all sick and tired of queue sync groups
That video is a Rick Roll
Lies and slander!