Battleground Premades

I have never seen so many premades in random battlegrounds as I do this subscription. I’m always getting put against a pre-made and it is just a faceroll, not fun for either side.

What was once a good casual thing to do, is just not fun anymore. Please restrict premades to other premades or make random battlegrounds solo queue. This is out of hand.


I dono why Blizzard ignores this problem, Premades have taken over the rated solo brackets as well… Its Premades power farming Pugs.


Always liked PVP but the experience is too sad to continue.

I’ve already unsubscribed and just hanging around to do a few Korrak’s Revenge for the heck of it until time is out at end of December.



What honor level you up to?

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(Honor Level 88)

How many battlegrounds did it take to reach that? Have you developed enough overall game awareness and mastery of mechanics and objectives?

I’m genuinely curious. At what honor level does this kind of understanding usually set in?

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premade groups have always been around. the team who loses needs an excuse as to why they lost because it’s obviously not them(sarcasm).
people are just disillusioned about how good they actually are so when they lose it’s always the “premades” fault. even when its pug v pug.

This excuse is getting old. Please find a logical reason to why it’s ok to exploit randoms and ruin it for everyone else.


teamwork isn’t an exploit

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Nobody said it is. Manipulating a queue in order to get a large, coordinated group in content not intended for it is though.


I believe my honor level is around 252. Most of my progress came during Shadowlands, when I was enjoying Rated Battlegrounds (RBGs) until I hit 1800 rating. After that, I started getting into groups that just weren’t a good fit for me. It became clear how certain players win-trade, yet they still manage to scapegoat others, blaming them for everything.

Because of that, I shifted towards playing more random and epic battlegrounds toward the end of Shadowlands and into Dragonflight. At that time, there were a lot of players, and it was fun just getting involved in the chaos. But soon, I started noticing that it felt like everyone was playing like bots and if you weren’t where they wanted you, they threaten to report you. My first post was about Isle of Conquest, questioning abilities that could heal vehicles, but most replies were just suggesting it was a bug and should be reported. The report system is broken, though, and players continue to abuse it for their own gain, especially premades and queue-syncers. Eventually, you’re either playing against premades/queue-syncers, or you’re stuck in one. It just gets tiring, so I quit earlier this spring.

I resubbed recently for the anniversary and tried out Blitz. However, after my MMR hit 1600, I got grouped with elite players who weren’t friendly at all. They told me I didn’t belong in Blitz, suggested I stick to random BGs, or even threatened to report me. I checked two of the players who were threatening me, and both were elite players and gladiators across several expansions. I decided to stop playing Blitz and other players were also saying that Blitz is terrible now. It’s not worth the frustration.

Now, I’ve switched to Korrak’s Revenge for the time being. It’s actually pretty fun with the buffed NPCs, where all specs, all types of gear, newbies and veterans, and players of all levels can enjoy the action together. I know there are premades that go in there to farm and ruin it too but it’s a limited-time event. I had planned to stick around until the end of the anniversary, but honestly, it’s just not worth it anymore.

Also, don’t mean to hijack this thread. I just thought it was important to note I am a pug and that I did try multiple PVP brackets.

If anything, hope that Midnight is better even though most of the hype is all about “player housing.” If you like that, all the best.



why can’t pug teams use the same strategies as the epic communities?

Why should pugs need to exploit to play the game? Why can’t you play the game fairly?


They can, people just want to make excuses and not put in the effort. This is why people flock to premade communities because of lack of said effort, and it perpetuates the cycle.

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agree completely

This seems like a troll to me.

It is, the premade people never have legitimate answers they just troll and gaslight.


I play with a group of 1-3 other people often. Varying degrees of skill. Sometimes they are brand new and hardly know what to do, and other times it’s try hards. It’s nice to have the ability to play with a group in a non-rated setting (and rated if I did rated BGs). If, when I am not playing with a group, I go against a premade, it’s w/e. I just go next and try to have fun and do my best.

Are y’all just complaining about like full 10-15 man premades that queue sync? Or any group of people? If it’s any group, y’all silly. If it’s 10-15 man premades? Y’all silly, those don’t happen that often. Maybe because I am alliance and on the (current) PvP majority? Idk.

Sincerely - someone who plays A LOT of random BGs.

Blizz said a NEW BG Map is coming in the future content, I think it will be amazing fun to get power farmed by paid boosters on it… I hope the art team spent time making the respawn graveyards look amazing lol. TY BLIZZARD.

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I thought it was a new arena map?


its basically what the inequality is. one team is organised the other isn’t. one team will have every player use a glider the other will have 5. and those 5 are probably alts of players in pvp communities. most pug teams only want to see big numbers from the initial team fight then use that unfocused damage on the boards as proof they are participating.
when i see random players go workshop without being asked or a small team go to broken temple instead of sunken ring ill start having faith in random pugs.