Sry maybe it is, I just remember a new pvp map being mentioned.
A new arena is pointless anyways they won’t fix the old ones lol
Every expansion they could cut copy paste a section of the new dungeons and raids and use them for BG maps, the Boss areas that are normally large open rooms used them for arenas. Just ideas but new stiff would be welcome.
I don’t understand why premades aren’t matched against premades in regular BGs, since it’s 5-man groups and there should be plenty to match up. And if one side doesn’t have any premades then the ones on the other side just have to wait. It’s not rocket science, but I guess it is blizz.
Definitely a lot more of them now but to be honest, I don’t think they (most) do not want to face each other. A few do but most want that advantage.
I prefer playing in a premade vs premade match but that is my preference.
It’s obvious to anybody why your argument is faulty. Premades are coordinated. PUGs are not. You’re just trolling. Premades need to cheat to win. The people can’t handle just playing in a PUG.
The little Que synch communities will flag this post! They can’t take the truth of their unfair game play
Makes it worse that Blizzard will not say a peep or do anything about whats going on, it sends the message of WE got your money already for this expansion, maybe we will address issues next expansion when you PAY again.
In the mean time here is another dragon island, buy some wow tokens and get to farming months lol.
No one is cheating. This has been confirmed till people’s hands have turned blue trying to get the point across.
You’re just mad because your spam thread got removed.
Spewing this lie over and over again doesn’t help your case.
Not sure why every epic BGer has to assume every premade thread is about epic syn queue premades. If somebody says “random battleground” assume they mean 10-15 man. If someone says “epics” or “epic battleground” or “random epic battleground” assume they mean epics.
I do far more random BGs than most and nobody is sync queuing there. A couple times an expansion you’ll see a sync group, it’s rare.
Also forcing premades to fight each other would be awesome. If there are 2+ premades in queue it should force those groups to the front of the queue, fill it with pugs and get the game started. Then you get premade vs premade, would be awesome.
ive ran into a few que synch rando bgs. ran into a full sarg wsg last night.
so it does happen. im sure if the little que synchers cant get enough to tilt an epic they can do it to a rando. either way. it happens and its garbage
laughs in dwindling player base “Theres no problem here. You are the problem.” - Every premade player ever
if the little que synchers were legit players…they would be advocating for que synch groups to play other que synch groups. but at the end of the day all they want to do is pound on uncor-ordinated pugs using discord. its cheating but some blue post said “we can’t do anything about it” so they do a full send
Oh, they pretend to but they also actively dodge each other lol
someone should you tube their shenanigans. post videos of them in discord doing their que synching. that would open eyes as to who and what they really are
Inemai or whatever his name is has videos and streams it lol I don’t think he has streamed anything in a while though. I sat and watched one time and he openly said they use addons to dodge others. They were not using countdowns even. They are most likely lying about a lot of stuff.
oh for sure they are lying, cheating garbage players bro. nothing will change that but a good video of catching them in the act.
Come on, please be honest.
If you think you’re seeing sync queue groups in regular BGs 99.999% of the time you’re inventing them