Battleground Exp Locked workaround. Exploit?

thats really funny… maybe i need to start posting the leader board where the top 5 people in EVERY BG are party sync 60’s. Yeah no advantage at all… just basic average players… keep blowing smoke. the 60 party sync wouldnt show up EVERY BG if they didn’t get that type of advantage

Still not as bad as the ebg premade degeneracy.

We have conflicting information here. BoA’s at level 19 are ilvl 23. Dungeon gear is ilvl 24 and much better for all types of play because it has better itemization than BoA’s.

How much time is a new level 10 player supposed to spend learning how to play a game that dumps him out of the starting zone with an ilvl of…5? Even worse with levelers with no heirlooms who leave original starting zones and show up at level 10 with an ilvl of 2. It’s not the players’ fault they have no path to gear at that point. It’s the rush to push them to max level that is designed into the game.


Hey look… another night of low bracket BG’s with 60 party sync on top of leader board. I mean why play at 60 when you can faceroll leveling players in lower brackets =D I should stop leveling toons and just play 60 party sync forever… I mean whats the point to PvP if you are vs party sync on the other team

Thats hilarious… when i see LEVEL 60 PARTY SYNC. in every BG i Play from 10-59.

so are these also dweebs griefing low level BG since they can’t PvP at max???

like rain on your wedding day

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Well obviously if the stats are x6 equivalent then they have an advantage over everyone who’s x1-x5. And a disadvantage against anyone who is x7-x9 if they have level appropriate gear equipped. I’m simply pointing out that it’s not ‘max level BOA equivalent in every slot’, that’s just factually false.

well if you ever play in a leveling BG 10-59 MOST of the people don’t even have every slot filled with gear, and those that do USUALY don’t have highest possible item level in every slot.
I have seen level 30-40 still wearing the lvl 7 dog tags from exiles reach!! NOT KIDDING

Most party sycner’s go for 51-59 bracket because it has the fastest queue times. If anyone has empty slots in that bracket they probably deserve to lose. Or not be playing a mmo in the first place.

wish more people knew about the multiple gear vendors you can get while going through the brackets, it’s cheap, and gives you a stat boost

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You must not be referring to the 20-29 BGs - which are the stomping grounds for the vet and f2p twinks. They most certainly have every slot filled with gear, to the point if any high level fool syncs into that bracket they will get annihilated.


BGs shouldn’t reward experience. Definitely one of the worst mistakes added to PvP. BGs should be a place you take a break from leveling to test your might in PvP. Having experience in BGs only ruins BGs and brackets. Not to mention Twinking every bracket as you level used to be so much fun.

BGs would flourish if they removed experience because then players would actually be there to PvP…Heaven forbid I know.


I see your point but still I strongly disagree with that statement. If anything I would think BGs should give as much Exp as dungeons do and they should take away the ability to turn exp off completely. Encourage people to play at max level which the game is much more balanced for, and also encourage people to learn their entire toolkit for their class as opposed to having 4-5 buttons.


Yes to the exp gain in BGs - having an alternate path to leveling would be nice. Dungeons and quests are a repetitive slog, BGs could offset that.

As for turning removing the ability to turn off xp gain, we disagree. I used to twink and would do so again if the brackets were merged. Plus you can have a PvE twink solely for farming dungeons and old raids. It is very refreshing to be able to gear once and be finished, and not be overcome with the plethora of borrowed power systems + gear treadmill that is such a timesink at endgame.

However the strength twinks now have solely because of Chromie time is completely unchecked vs the average heirloom leveler. Before a merger of the xp off and xp on brackets Blizz would have to monitor and balance the brackets accordingly :rofl:.

If you want to see the true degeneracy of twinks vs leveler stats for yourself - just queue for a BG in the 20-29 bracket and brace your neck for whiplash.

So 20-29 is twinks and sucks
30-39 is fair and fun
40-49 is half have Cov abilities and half don’t.
50 is twinks again
51-59 is fun with a mix of synced players

60 is a total crap shoot.

So from 10-60, only one bracket is 100% fair ?

Sounds like a very bad design to me.


Why though? I have 2 level 20 Twinks that I have spent more gold on than max level characters. I transfered them to a Twink server. It would be fun if we could make more varieties of Twinks like in Classic on Retail.

You have to understand that Twinking is something that is as old as the game itself. People love pushing strange builds on all different types of levels. PvP would flourish so much more if Twinking was embraced like it used to be.

Twinks honestly is some of the most fun you can have in game.

I just am not sure why you want to kill something people love and want to dedicate their play time and effort towards. I think we should try to embrace different types of communities and how they play the game not shun it. Especially since Twinking has meant so much to WoW.

Lets be honest Max level is pretty boring in SL. I rather use Chromie time enjoy old expansions and play a Twink on retail. Hopefully at some point they get rid of the different Ques so players can enjoy all various levels again. Or just remove Experience in BGs for the obvious reasons I listed.

100% correct. Which is why the subs are bleeding out. Rated pvp is too meta driven and toxic, and casual pvp - well you covered the issues with that.

So I took a year off from retail. I still popped in every now and again on my 20 f2p twinks. One thing that I do love about twinking is that once I’m done. I’m done. I don’t need to farm fresh gear every few months. I just returned to my mains after a year and they are all rocking 220-240 ilvl which, at the time of leaving was okay gear. Right now if I step foot into a BG i’m getting demolished. What’s worse is, i’m at the tail end of a season, so to spend my honor on s3 gear would just be foolish. Because of the honor farming I’m doing now they will be set up for success when S4 rolls around.

My 20’s though? They’re good. They’ve had largely the same gear for nearly 2 years now. I don’t need to worry about timing and I don’t need to repeat the same farming every few months.


20 twinking is alright - minus hunters. Some of the classes need a major rework of toolkit though - Dragonflight might sort that out.

So far ret paladin, enh shammy and frost mage look they will be fun for 20.

amen brother

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